A good chin matters. Rolling with punches matter more


Wizzlebiz is the Wizziest
Dec 16, 2015
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A fighter can have a amazing chin but if they get tagged it still stuns them. Knowing how to roll with a punch can take the force out of a punch. If a fighter has a crap chin rolling with punches needs to be top priority for focus of training. Its literally the answer for guys with bad chins. Not easy to learn but once its second nature it can make the difference. Thoughts?
Edmond only has 24 hours in the day to teach. He can't get to everyone.
Every half decent boxing gym teaches how to roll with punches
not everyone has mayweather reflex.
Growing a beard also helps taking punches.
Everything is so easy on paper, but to do the right thing at the right time in the fight.............................. is a whole OTHER STORY.