Opinion A Democrat voter attends a Trump rally.

Democrats still don’t get it and want to see who can go the most to the left on issues. Then wonder why Trump gets voted in which is why Trump was voted in in the first place.

The New Deal was progressive for it's time. Modern progressives want us to drink our own piss. It's not the same thing. One is reasonable, the other is absurd.

I really have no idea what you mean by all this.

Explain to me a progressive platform that doesn't require a massive beaurocracy.

One in which arbitrary, wasteful, military / deep state bureaucracy is cut, and pro-social spending is enhanced. Better health coverage, less wars. Less spending on the CIA / FBI / Deep state / useless federal bureaucracy, more spending on education, public goods, healthcare, research. More taxes on the uber rich, less taxes on the poor and middle class. The way things are going now (which is not progressive), you have massive increases in bureaucracy and LESS spending on social services - which is a crock of shit. If you're going to spend money, it should be on the people / reinvesting it back into society, not on wars / tax cuts for the wealthy.

Libertarianism allows progressives to live their own lives as progressively as they want, it just refuses to enact forced progress through the threat of government violence like progressives want to do

Libertarianism as a standalone ideology is insufficient to meet the challenges of the 21st century, namely corporate power. If you take away the government at this stage, we'd all become slaves to corporations. Not much better than the Soviet Union - it's just that different people are in charge.

Sone progressive ideas aren't terrible. But when the penalty for bot obeying them is violence and inprisonment you get a big nope from me

You're not really understanding progressive ideology. One of the main ideas is a commitment to democracy. Democracy has been demonstrated to be the (so far) least bad form of government there is, and certainly the least authoritarian. In a (pure) libertarian system, you'd still have police enforcement of property rights. So you'd get massive corporations who own everything, and everyone else left to rot and beaten down by the cops if they try to do something about it.
Btw this is where the media has been a complete and utter failure at best, complicit in the country’s division at worst

We don’t hear stories about Trump supporters as being relatable real people from liberal media and we don’t hear stories about left or moderate Dems as relatable real people from right wing media

Unfortunately as long as media is 90% corporate owned I don’t see this changing

I mean..if it was 90% government owned, you feel it would be MORE honest?
"But until we start seeing each other as human beings, there will be no bridging the divide. I refuse to be a part of the divisiveness any longer. I refuse to hate people I don’t know simply because they choose to vote for someone else. If we’re going to heal the country, we have to start taking steps toward one another rather than away."

It took some bullshit political line helped come to this realization?

We step over homeless people in this country. We kick sick people out of hospitals because their insurance ran out.
The left is far less tolerant, and far more willing to use violence, to silence opposing views compared to the right. That's just a fact. It doesn't mean there aren't any reasonable people on the left, or that the right doesn't have any violent people with mental health issues, but there's a significant difference between the right and left that's obvious.

No one can honestly believe that someone wearing a Clinton, Obama, or Bernie cap or shirt in a conservative area would face anywhere near the harassment someone wearing a MAGA hat in a liberal area would face; especially psychical violence. You can look at the news, including several events currently being discussed here, and see the truth. The left has a lot more unhinged mentally ill people behind it, who are more willing to use violence and intimidation against anyone who doesn't fall in line, but the right is a very powerful group that will fight back if attacked and pushed too far. I expect the left to go even more psycho after Trump gets reelected than they did in 2016, and I expect the blow back that counters them to be much stronger than in 2016 as well. There are still a lot of good patriotic 'democrats' in the country, but they quit voting for the democrat party after it abandon them on important issues like trade, and went completely insane on social issues.

Democrats For Trump - https://democrats.donaldjtrump.com/
just once in my life I want to be present for one of these completely unironic cryfests

Sometimes I think it's too bad I'm a real American farmer and don't run in crybaby circles like this

them there are fightin words, don’t make me take out my chaw.
The crushing truth about my boy @HomeCheese.

Hey man how have you been? Dang you are adorable. I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for a guy that stays home alone on new years eve drinking and reading through my post history on sherdog. Most folks are dicking down their old lady or out chasing tail on new years eve but you wanted to better yourself and learn a few things. For this I salute you.
Personally I can't wrap my head around how any sane and level minded individual can for one second feel like Trump has done anything this entire term but play golf and bullshit on Twitter day in and day out but if that's how they prefer their tax dollars being spent that's on them I suppose. Personally I wish the freeloading son of a bitch would do somebody other than himself some good but socialism for the wealthy seems to be the way to go for some reason
How out of touch do you have to be to have to go to a rally to realize people with different political beliefs are just people?
Its hard for people with sense to understand the rabid support for a life long grifting traitor idiot
Personally I can't wrap my head around how any sane and level minded individual can for one second feel like Trump has done anything this entire term but play golf and bullshit on Twitter day in and day out but if that's how they prefer their tax dollars being spent that's on them I suppose. Personally I wish the freeloading son of a bitch would do somebody other than himself some good but socialism for the wealthy seems to be the way to go for some reason
You sound unemployed and lazy. It’s not Trump’s job to hand out more money to you.
A very good read.

The writer of this articles says, "What if my perception of the other side is wrong?"
I actually believe this to be very true. Most people imo simply aren't exposed to anything good about Trump, or any of the successes he's achieved since becoming the President.
Most of the media is totally hateful of Trump so obviously all stories on him start off from that mindset. People hear awful things about him, some exaggerated things, and some things that are actually made up. This is not only from the media but also members of the Democrat party. They lie, and they lie by omission also. The media is dishonest, and the Democrat Party is dishonest.


I like how you start off with:

"What if my perception of the other side is wrong?" I actually believe this to be very true."

and end with:

"The media is dishonest, and the Democrat Party is dishonest."

It speaks volumes of your stunning lack of self awareness.