8 year old arrested at school

<Huh2> ik I saw it In on the news

Police officers at a Florida elementary school arrested an 8-year-old boy who had allegedly hit a teacher -- only to realize the boy's wrists were too small for the handcuffs.

Part of the Key West police bodycam footage of the December 2018 arrest was released on Monday by civil rights attorney Ben Crump, who is representing the boy's mother.

On Tuesday she filed a federal lawsuit, claiming that the officers used excessive force, that school officials failed to intervene, and that the city and school district violated the Americans with Disabilities Act. The lawsuit says the boy has special needs.
This does seem like a fucking obvious example of the way the Police have overreached in the US, funding for other areas is cut in favour of them and you get a situation like this rather than say a social worker.
lol, social workers.
Schools in the US are a shit show with regards to how to handle terrible kids. Teachers can't lay a hand on them, nor can they remove bad kids from a classroom because they deserve the same education as everyone else. My mom was an elementary school teacher then counselor for many years, and she said there were kids that would throw tantrums several times a week - the rest of the class and teacher had to leave the classroom until a counselor/admins could calm the kid down, which sometimes took hours. Who knows what the backstory of this kid is, but it's possible he's a little terror and the teacher/school just got tired of dealing with it so they decided to call the cops. Also possible it was a completely unnecessary overreaction by the teacher.

Edit : just read that the kid has emotional and behavioural disabilities. He probably causes problems on a daily basis, his parents won't do anything about it, and the school simply got fed up and said screw it, let the cops deal with it.
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I ain’t surprised, they put handcuffs on 10-14 year old trafficked girls all the time. They throw them in fucking Juvie. Troubled children need social workers and therapists and real rehabilitation. The juvenile justice system does nothing except hurt these kids and it absolutely does not work as a deterrent.
Instead of trying to find out why the kid was acting up, they choose to traumatize him further.

Simplistic solution to a complex problem.

The kid was acting up for the same reason he was acting up yesterday, and the same reason he'll act up again tomorrow. His dad's a psycho who beats the shit out of his mom regularly and abuses the kid just enough to traumatize him but not enough to warrant a permanent removal from the home. (Of course I made that up, but it's probably not far from the truth.)

Now, what should the school do about it? If he flips out and disrupts the class everyday, should they just let him continue? Have the rest of the kids sit in the hall for 2 hours a day while the counselor tries to calm him down?