Justine Kish is fighting tonight guys

Apparently Justine Kish is not her real name, it's actually Svetlana Nasibulina.
Guidelines for J. Kish:

No tacos burritos or spicy salsa (avoid Chipotle)
No coffee or tea as it could stimulate the intestines.
No food for 6 hours leading up to fight.
Miralax 6 hours before the fight to ensure the colon is clear of any fecal debris.
Colonoscopy 1 hour before fight to ensure debris is clear.
Possible implantation with tape worm to consume all excess fecal matter
^ can confirm coffee as a laxative, I drink a cup driving to work and take a dump within 15 minutes of arrival.

Got it down to a science, as long as there are no delays in traffic.
Guidelines for J. Kish:

No tacos burritos or spicy salsa (avoid Chipotle)
No coffee or tea as it could stimulate the intestines.
No food for 6 hours leading up to fight.
Miralax 6 hours before the fight to ensure the colon is clear of any fecal debris.
Colonoscopy 1 hour before fight to ensure debris is clear.
Possible implantation with tape worm to consume all excess fecal matter
You forgot the most important one
Butt Plug
It should be put in her contract that she has to wear a diaper when she fights.
All Justine Kish needs to do in order to win is put you in North South position:


“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
I thought Venum was making the new uniforms, but apparently it’s Depends.