Media UFC 253 saying by Diego Sanchez

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Jan 26, 2015
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" You need to see what you need to see , so that you can be what you need to be ."

I will give like to anyone who can identify the song playing in the background of the video.
His best quote ever was the “yes” cartwheels
dude he is microdosing a little too hard... those are real doses
Tbh I will give credit to Fabia and his school for making Diego retire when his contract is over. I thought he would be fighting until 50.
Diego looks so small, the UFC should just give him LWs that don't want to cut weight amd let him finish off his career fighting people his own size.
" You need to see what you need to see , so that you can be what you need to be ."

I will give like to anyone who can identify the song playing in the background of the video.

I think the song is the same one Randy was dancing to in the club

true story
Diego Sanchez does not conform to the box of regularity!

Not sure how to time stamp so 7:40 in
Kills me everytime - War Diego!!!!
I'd love to see Diego pull it off but he does not look like he's been training hard for this one

Flim Flam Man Fabia does not seem like anything even resembling a solid coach