Dude get kod by his own shoulder during a slam.

Damn. Nice slam. I did that to my dog last week because he was going after my ham sandwich. He didn't go out though.
Damn. Nice slam. I did that to my dog last week because he was going after my ham sandwich. He didn't go out though.
Pretty gnarly slam KO. I dig it.
Horrible way to lose, that win shouldn’t be celebrated it wasn’t clean
This post proves 3 things:
1. Wrestling is the best sport for MMA
2. BJJ doesn't work
3. TS is a racist
Great catch! It looks like an accidental headbutt to the chin - kind of like the one in the Rampage vs. Arona slam.

I keep watching it and seeing head bounce off the canvas onto the head again and then he is out. Its super subtle but I'm old and hungover.
The shoulder strike meta is evolving rapidly

Conor done changed the game again

tank him