Hardys post fight interview was pretty decent.


Jan 1, 2008
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I know NOTHING about his past other than what I have read on here. That being said, he didn't sound like a bad guy in his interview. The illegal shot that lead to his one loss, I dunno..... maybe it was on purpose?

I don't know if I should like the guy or hate him. Or somewhere in between. I just don't think he is on Jones or Conors level of obstreperous yet.
IMO all that shit comes off to me as extremely fake and forced..
I know NOTHING about his past other than what I have read on here. That being said, he didn't sound like a bad guy in his interview. The illegal shot that lead to his one loss, I dunno..... maybe it was on purpose?

I don't know if I should like the guy or hate him. Or somewhere in between. I just don't think he is on Jones or Conors level of obstreperous yet.

That's pretty much how I felt too. I don't know the specifics of what he did, I only know we are supposed to hate him. And then after watching his interviews I begrudgingly thought maybe he isn't completely horrible. He seems like he knows what people think about him too, and not all athletes have basic self awareness. He is at the very least attempting to be likeable.
Didn't even use it grammatically, just said it to say it <45>
And that is the sentence you want to use to point out my error?
I think he is trying to get some fans, I think he can't reach some people if he doesn't address what they think they know. In the end it doesnt matter if he changes their minds, because they'll tune in to watch him hoping he loses. I know that's what I'll do.
It felt like major sucking up to me. But YMMV.
His chin looks suspicious but I believe Dana signed him to be the heel of the HW's
IMO all that shit comes off to me as extremely fake and forced..
OP's use of the word obstreperous was fake and forced. It's an adjective and he is trying to use it as a noun in his sentence.
I thought the Octagon post fight interview was cringe. I was feeling that shit at all. It was a mute the button moment for myself.