sorry sean

He smokes weed though. What stress are you talking about?

If Jon Jones was white but also the 3rd Diaz brother and had Conors tattoo artist as a step father.
usada doesnt test for that and he just has to not smoke leading up to his fight night.

He just completed a 6 month suspension for testing positive for weed.

Crickety casual mothafuckas...

So he popped in October and was pulled from the card and then popped again in December? He's damn lucky to have only got 6 months and had it backdated to the first offence.
Keep up children. Ostarine was his second offence. He popped for weed way back. Come on, now.
Gotta love USADA. There's a weightlifter who got popped for weed in 2009 and served 6 months. Then he popped for turinabol M3 metabolites in the Olympics re-analysis and he got slapped with 8 years, because they counted it as a second offence. Norik Vardanian is the name.
Why does everybody say it was weed? I know people instantly thought it was weed for obvious reasons but it was Ostarine. It's like people just assumed and didn't pay attention when what he popped for was announced.