Rickson Gracie black belts in the UFC

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Jan 26, 2015
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Anyone knows who got one and is currently fighting in the UFC ?
I'm pretty sure they're illegal. It's MMA. Not Mortal Kombat.
Honestly, if you are not choking people out inside the Octagon, you are not a black belt. Damian Maia is my standard of a MMA Black Belt.
Anybody else who claims to be a black belt, and yet, I have never seen choke anybody out, is just a paper black belt.
if this list is accurate (and current), then 0.


Kron Gracie is the only one that comes to mind. I think he got his Black Belt at like 19 or 20.

P.S.: Not sure why it matters.
Honestly, if you are not choking people out inside the Octagon, you are not a black belt. Damian Maia is my standard of a MMA Black Belt.
Anybody else who claims to be a black belt, and yet, I have never seen choke anybody out, is just a paper black belt.
You are the worst kind of MMA fan.
After a falling out, I think Rickson gave long time student Kevin Casey his blackbelt. Not after Kron (allegedly)beat the shit out of him.
Only one, but his knowledge is too deadly so he only strikes!
Here is a hint from Rickson
Honestly, if you are not choking people out inside the Octagon, you are not a black belt. Damian Maia is my standard of a MMA Black Belt.
Anybody else who claims to be a black belt, and yet, I have never seen choke anybody out, is just a paper black belt.
I see you are already getting hate for this statement but I agree with you 100%. If you proclaim to be a jiu jitsu black belt but can’t apply those skills in an actual fight, then you are not a jiu jitsu practitioner. Gracie BJJ was meant for actual fighting. Royce, rickson, werdum, minotauro, damien maia, jacare, kron, roger are actual bjj practitioners. There are many ‘bjj’ guys out there who claim to be black belts but have never applied their skills while being threatened with strikes. That shit is fake as fuck imo
I'm more interested in who the chick is in OP's avatar,.