Chuck beats Anthony and Daniel every time


I crossed time for you belt
Oct 2, 2018
Reaction score
Opinion: what where did it go?

Bitches Chuck could win prime Jones and prime Johnson any day of the week
Daniel Jones?

Platinum members shouldn’t be allowed to make threads
No I'm serious take a legit look at their styles. Win. I'm also drunk.
Have you been partying with jj prior to making this thread?
No seriously you guys are such haters. I like Connor to win his next match too
I'm serious on this though. Chuck would win.. I don't understand why you fucks (Cucks) get jealous when I say it
lmao ...Prime Chuck was a beast but idk if he could catch Jones or DC with a haymaker. Thats his best shot.
lmao ...Prime Chuck was a beast but idk if he could catch Jones or DC with a haymaker. Thats his biggest chance.
I think he could you guys are way too pessimistic
You want Chuck to fight Rumble after seeing what Shad did to him? Cruel fuck.