I thought the lil boy was about to double leg takedown his dad....

It was cringy as fuck and I literally turned my stream off
All of a sudden without explanation we're watching some soldier dude with a blindfolded child who proceeds to cry and he says how big a boy he is
wtf am i watching give me more violence
I thought the same, right after I was thinking "Why the fuck does anyone need to train with a blindfold on?"
I found it quite touching that boy was so happy and pleased to see his dad. Maybe it just affected me more because I got ill lost the ability to work,drive I would of thought it would be upsetting for my daughter to see her dad that way but she has totally used it to her advantage and giving me and her mum hell for it.
Was expecting the dad to sprawl tbh
So I was like, "Oh, you're a wrestler now?"

Serve your country and get some respekt up in here. Hard not seeing your parents/kids for that long.
It was the most exciting thing of this entire card so far.
War hero boxing up a blind kid was amazing. I almost shed a tear
I found it quite touching that boy was so happy and pleased to see his dad. Maybe it just affected me more because I got ill lost the ability to work,drive I would of thought it would be upsetting for my daughter to see her dad that way but she has totally used it to her advantage and giving me and her mum hell for it.
I actually shared that video on my Facebook page earlier this week.