

Andy Wang was always my friend
Mar 11, 2016
Reaction score
This is unbearable. Anik announces the next fight, then commercial, then Anik announces the same fight again, then back to commercial. This shit is why I don’t watch NFL anymore. Does anybody else find the commercials excessive and almost like they are cramming every possible airspace with ads? Like, no commentary, opinion, or interviews. Just a quick promo by Anik and back to the same repetitive ads. I’m torrenting post-fight from now on.
I was all hyped up to watch this on ESPN+ and then found out that it was on for "Free"

Also the only nfl games on ESPN are Monday night moron
Eat my shit you fucking troglodyte. Nobody said they weren’t. You must have a horrible fucking life to call someone a “moron” over something so trivial and pointless. I’d suggest therapy, but your only real hope probably rests at the end of a rope.
Eat my shit you fucking troglodyte. Nobody said they weren’t. You must have a horrible fucking life to call someone a “moron” over something so trivial and pointless. I’d suggest therapy, but your only real hope probably rests at the end of a rope.
I’d suggest therapy for whining like a bitch over commercials
I usually don’t like to nitpick grammar, but if you’re going to call someone a moron at least you can do it right, moron.
Well when that’s all you can salvage in an argument, do what you got to do I guess. I didn’t need a comma when I said it, since I don’t have to pause on reading a sentence that doesn’t contain a word with more than two syllables. Jackass