TJ has mini man boobs?


Donk Donkerson
Feb 26, 2015
Reaction score
The guy is insanely ripped no doubt about it, but he still has a bit of fat on his pecs which make them look like little boobies.

There are a bunch of other pics where it is much more pronounced - could this be gyno or something?

Evidence #2


20/03/2019 EDIT: See! I was right :D :D JUICEWRLD USADA
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Well he is a mini man, so it makes sense that his man boobs are mini too.
It looks like it, but i think its just the way his pec muscles are shaped.

If its steroid gyno it would not be fat, but gland. Very easy to spot. You can see the outline of it over the skin at this bf %.
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Gyno, in his case, we don't know, but most males going through puberty do tend to get it but it goes away over time as your Hormones and Testosterone levels balance out. There is however the small percentage of teenagers who don't recover from the imbalance in testosterone and their Gyno stays.

I'm one of them, but with TJ there's no way to know for sure if it's from some sort of PED or if it's just genetic, but if you look at a guy like Corey Anderson, you can see it's genetic, and the leaner you are, the more noticeable it is. It really sucks.
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That's not fat. His upper pecs are just relatively flat, making it appear that way.

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You mean mini boobs on a man or a mini man with boobs?
came in here to rip on t.j.

but its not cool to tease girls.