I'm a really busy guy ( Full time job and school ), so I don't have as much time in the gym as I would like. Typically I only have time for 2 or 3 30 minute workouts during the week, and then I can do longer ones on the weekend. I was wondering if you guys could throw any thoughts or suggestions my way about how to train in such short time. I'm 28, in relatively good shape, and I workout mostly just for health and strength gains. Here is a fairly typical routine I would do...
Tues - Legs
5 Min Warmup Run / Stretching
15 Min Squats ( 4 Sets /w 3 minute breaks )
10 Min Weighted Lunges ( 3 Sets /w 3 minute breaks )
Wed - Chest / Tri
5 Min Warmup Run / Stretching
15 Min Bench Press ( 4 Sets /w 3 minute breaks )
5 Min Military Press or Dumbell Incline ( 2 Supersets /w 2 minute breaks )
5 Min Skull Crushers ( 2 Supersets /w 2 minute breaks )
Thur - Back / Bi
5 Min Warmup Run / Stretching
15 Min Deadlift ( 4 Sets /w 3 minute breaks )
5 Min Lat Pulldowns or Dumbell Rows ( 2 Supersets /w 2 minute breaks )
5 Min Dumbell Curls ( 2 Supersets /w 2 minute breaks )
* In the supersets I'm immediately stripping weight and then doing another set of the same exercise. ( Do you guys call this something different when it's the same motion? )
So there you go. As you can see, it's really hard to get a reasonable workout in a short period. I really like hitting the big 3 power movements during the week, but unfortunately that's the biggest time sink. I usually go pretty heavy with the power movements so they tend to necessitate a fairly long rest period.
Do any of the rest of you have to deal with similar time restrictions? What do you do?
Tues - Legs
5 Min Warmup Run / Stretching
15 Min Squats ( 4 Sets /w 3 minute breaks )
10 Min Weighted Lunges ( 3 Sets /w 3 minute breaks )
Wed - Chest / Tri
5 Min Warmup Run / Stretching
15 Min Bench Press ( 4 Sets /w 3 minute breaks )
5 Min Military Press or Dumbell Incline ( 2 Supersets /w 2 minute breaks )
5 Min Skull Crushers ( 2 Supersets /w 2 minute breaks )
Thur - Back / Bi
5 Min Warmup Run / Stretching
15 Min Deadlift ( 4 Sets /w 3 minute breaks )
5 Min Lat Pulldowns or Dumbell Rows ( 2 Supersets /w 2 minute breaks )
5 Min Dumbell Curls ( 2 Supersets /w 2 minute breaks )
* In the supersets I'm immediately stripping weight and then doing another set of the same exercise. ( Do you guys call this something different when it's the same motion? )
So there you go. As you can see, it's really hard to get a reasonable workout in a short period. I really like hitting the big 3 power movements during the week, but unfortunately that's the biggest time sink. I usually go pretty heavy with the power movements so they tend to necessitate a fairly long rest period.
Do any of the rest of you have to deal with similar time restrictions? What do you do?