3 blatant lies during UFC 190

Speaking of listed UFC heights being lied upon.... THere's no way Ronda is "5'7" and 2 inches taller than Bethe. If anything she's about a 1/2 inch shorter than Bethe as seen during the ref's instructions.
Either Bethe grew very recently or Ronda is really only like 5'5
Speaking of listed UFC heights being lied upon.... THere's no way Ronda is "5'7" and 2 inches taller than Bethe. If anything she's about a 1/2 inch shorter than Bethe as seen during the ref's instructions.
Either Bethe grew very recently or Ronda is really only like 5'5

The first prelim fight the guys were listed as 5.6 and 5.8.

Neither guys head was anywhere near the top of the octagon.
Does TS know the difference between a lie and a mistake?