2015 Gem: Julliana Pena - Women should be paid 10x more than men cause women

Her comments are dumb. Women academically in my opinion absolutely are just as capable as men. Physically it really depends on the activity.

So I say academically absolutely equal down to the finer points. Physically they are equal but just better at some things and not others. But overall equal physically too.

Just ignorant to say they are better.
Her comments are dumb. Women academically in my opinion absolutely are just as capable as men. Physically it really depends on the activity.

So I say academically absolutely equal down to the finer points. Physically they are equal but just better at some things and not others. But overall equal physically too.

Just ignorant to say they are better.

Name one physical activity (other than giving birth) where women are better than or even equal to men. Just one. I'll wait.
I always thought men were better at getting women pregnant, but maybe I am wrong?!
"We can do everything men can do… I mean we do it 10x worse, but we can do it"

"Anything a man can do a woman can do better."
"In my opinion, women rule the world. We are the neck and we make the head turn,"
Rogan thinks Ronda beats 50% of the bantamweight men.

Boys its time we stopped fighting the obvious and pay women fighters more cause vagina.

Anyone with even a modicum of intelligence knows that ronda couldn't even come close of beating any male mma fighters. pro or not. She can't even beat a female mma fighter, how on earth would she ever beat a male. She was knocked senseless by a female.

That was one of the worst examples of hype, i've ever seen. That, and her beating mayweather.
Name one physical activity (other than giving birth) where women are better than or even equal to men. Just one. I'll wait.

Saying no
Shaving legs
Getting emotional
Then why don't they?

Name one world record that women hold over a man. Strength records, endurance records, track and field. A high school male sprinter can beat the worlds best female. haha ponder that. a high school male hockey team can beat the female best.
Name one physical activity (other than giving birth) where women are better than or even equal to men. Just one. I'll wait.

Ha. I'm not trying to white knight women. Think of my comments as being PC while at the same time refuting the quote that she made when she said anything a man can do a woman can do better. I was trying to take that from one end of the spectrum and bring it more to the middle.

But if you really want an answer, off the top of my head I can't think of much physically women could do better than men. But again, I was more refuting her claim women do stuff better than men.

But they do boobs, bikinis, and talk dirty better than men, lol.