2015 article on the Gender pay gap


Green Belt
May 7, 2015
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Let's assume, for a moment, that it is true that women are not paid as much as men for performing the same amount/quality of work. Would it make sense, then, to force employers to pay them more? The answer is no. Why? It would be bad for the environment. More money in the hands of the average citizen means more consumption, and more consumption means more environmental degradation. Keep in mind that women already consume more than men do, especially environmentally-sensitive products that contain paper, cotton, etc.


If you are not a believer in protection of the environment, even so, resource consumption is a bad thing. There's only so much oil and so much fertile land on the planet. This is not a sustainable path. We need a sustainable economy built on common sense values. Women's rights is not one of them.
There is an easy way for you to bring down resource consumption/ enviromental impact TS. As ling as that is literally your only concern.

There is an easy way for you to bring down resource consumption/ enviromental impact TS. As ling as that is literally your only concern.


...and I never do /threads
Wow, not only was that beyond asinine but probably subconsciously admits you are a Virgin and just mad your mom brought home cheerios when you asked for fruit loops.
Kate Andrews does an excellent job of destroying the wage gap bullshit:

Christina Hoff Sommers debunks it as well:

I think the whole gender pay gap thing is bullshit. Every woman I know makes as much as, if not more than, men. And I'm not talking about dead end jobs. I'm talking about high end careers. In fact, I specifically recall a man and woman in the same exact position, working the same exact amount of hours, and the woman earned quite a bit more than he did, and she'd hadn't been there as long as him.
Aren't women more expensive for a company, in the long run if they take maternity leave and all that?
I have no idea, though.
if women are paid truly paid less for the same work, why aren't employers just going out and hiring women for their companies?

that one logical question just completely destroys the gender pay gap myth.