Wrestling Newbie

Chok Sok Te

Purple Belt
Oct 11, 2017
Reaction score
Going to my first wrestling class tomorrow; any advice you could give to someone with 0 wrestling experience?
Not getting scored on is much more important than learning scoring manuevers. Most newbies will give away points if you just stand there.
Don't go all out in the warm-ups. You probably will in your first few sessions, but try to relax. You will probably be spent after the first half-an-hour of the session, because of pace and wrestling in general. Don't give up!
This is more of general life advice -- the darker the berry, the sweeter the juice.
This is more of general life advice -- the darker the berry, the sweeter the juice.
Hell yeah, these look delicious
the first thing you need to do is tell your wrestling coach that the double leg takedown isnt a smart move because youll get guillotine choked
The warm up was more stretch orientated than I was used to. The wrestling drills were all done from ground taken in turns from offensive to defensive positions, luckily I was paired with a noob.