Would you live in a Tiny House?


Brown Belt
Dec 7, 2014
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Just watched the documentary on Netflix...
I'd be hella interested in building one...
Would probably need to live in teh country since the zoning laws would fuck you over.
If they were actually affordable based on their size, maybe.
If I was a bachelor I could definitely live in a tiny house. I'm a simple man.
I saw a story on the local news the other day. This ordinary looking working guy donated a chunk of his land for volcano disaster housing and rounded up these military dudes to build several little houses fast. This one druggie bum looking guy said he's an interior designer and insisted they let him decorate the inside so it doesn't look like emergency housing. Priorities.
I'd give it a go but the gf wouldn't have it for some reason
like this?

probably not. My wife needs more room. probably couldnt fit more than two other guys in there never mind the room I need to video tape and set up lights
like this?

probably not. My wife needs more room. probably couldnt fit more than two other guys in there never mind the room I need to video tape and set up lights

Yes. They seem to top out around 320 square feet. You own it and pay no property tax since it's mobile. The tiny houses are also built on a Utility or Flat bed trailer. They are different than bungalows, which seem to be 100k at minimum and usually in the middle of nowhere.
I would have to be living alone and it would have to be in an absolutely spectacular location. And even then only if I could cram a 65 inch TV in there
This religious leader from a church here is bringing in prefabricated fiberglass igloos for bums to live in on church property. They look quite nice almost like Dragon Ball Z houses.
I lived in a tiny house for 6 months. The layout of the house I was in was awful, and it was a stick built. Some of the ones I see on tv shows look awesome. If I really wanted to go that route though, I’d just buy an rv or camper for a quarter of the price.
850-1000 sq. ft., 100% absolutely. With an open floor plan, all you need is a medium sized wood stove for heat. Could most likely get away with solar panels for electric hot water.

Anything less, no.
Yes. They seem to top out around 320 square feet. You own it and pay no property tax since it's mobile. The tiny houses are also built on a Utility or Flat bed trailer. They are different than bungalows, which seem to be 100k at minimum and usually in the middle of nowhere.
too small. just live in a camper prolly much cheaper.
I live in a box that a refrigerator was shipped in, so a tiny house would be an upgrade.
Does this count as a tiny house? I lived in one for a while.

There are two rooms in my house I’ve set foot in less than 3 times since we moved in 5 years ago. I could definitely downsize, but my wife wouldn’t go along with it.