Worst pain youve ever felt?

I dont have a clue what it was (nor did the doctors at the ER), but years ago when I worked at Frys Electronics, one day my throat hurt so bad when I swallowed that it felt like a handful of glass coated in salt. I NEVER miss work, but this was agony... imagine having to go spit every few minutes because swallowing a bit of saliva would make you want to pass out from the pain. Now imagine doing a job that involves a good bit of labor at the time, the position I worked was known as "backstock bitch". Eating food was out of the question, I tried one bite of something soft during lunch and muffled my screams with my tie/arm. Drinking water was also pure agony, so between being unable to eat or drink, and doing relatively intense labor, I started to get severely dehydrated and dizzy.

I stumbled to my supervisor and told her "I need to go to the hospital" she asks whats wrong and I explain, her response?

"Go take a break and see if that helps"

I told her " I dont think you understand. I cant eat or drink. It feels like I am swallowing broken glass and I am in agony, I need to go to the hospital"

She has me go on break, which was just 10 minutes of sitting in the break room in agony. I go to her afterwards "Feel better?" - "No, I feel the exact same. I need to go the the hospital." The bitch walks away.

I walked to my locker, got my phone out and called my mom (I liked my job and didnt know what else to do) she was like "what the #uck? I'm on my way *click*

She somehow drives the 8 miles to the store in like 10 minutes and goes to the PIC (person in charge, a manager ordept supervisor in front who handles customer bs) and my mom starts going off "what the *uck is wrong with you people? My son asks to go to the hospital and you send him on break?" The pic of course had no idea what she was talking about, but he knows me so I get called to the front of the store. I explain the situation... and he calls the supervisor up front and tears her a new *sshole in front of employees and customers.

Spent about 9 hours at the er, got a few bags of IV fluid for severe dehydration and some prescription rinse that numbed my throat, still came into work the next day.
do you work in japan?
My mom denying my request to attend a splendid night of music and festivity hosted by Slayer when I was 13 years old.
What would you guys pick....dull but throbbing pain that doesn’t go away for a week...or intense blinding almost pass out pain that lasts a minute? I had both and it’s a tough call.
That sounds bad! But what caused that to your knee?
Because I discharged myself from hospital before all the tests had come back, I never did find out. Some exotic infection I'd guess.
Yesterday I discovered Tom Hardy put out a rap album in the 90s.
In the urethra

oh my fucking god
Last time I went to the dentist I had a couple cavities that needed to be worked on... Could not be numbed hardly at all. I kept requesting another shot, and I received at least a few, but finally my dentist basically told me "we have reached the maximum amount I can safely give you, just gonna have to buck up" I could not take the pain for more than a few seconds at a time before I would either raise my hand to "tap out" or instinctively bite down on his hand/drill. Not only was it painful but it was also kind of embarrassing because I'm sure the dentist and his hot nurse assistant thought I was a big pussy. I was around 25 years old at the time and had never had a problem at the dentist growing up, now I am terrified to go. Next time if I need any kind of work done I am going to demand the laughing gas.

They put me to sleep at the dentist's office.

First time I ever had a cavity (I was like 10 or 11 at the time), dentist was like... "We're just going to give you a needle to numb your mouth so you do feel anything.", but failed to mention the needle itself hurt. Pure instinct alone, I immediately punched him square in the face. Apparently the dentist didn't think it was as funny as I did.

Dentists have files. It followed me.
Gonorrhea when I was 19. Horrific pain.
They put me to sleep at the dentist's office.

First time I ever had a cavity (I was like 10 or 11 at the time), dentist was like... "We're just going to give you a needle to numb your mouth so you do feel anything.", but failed to mention the needle itself hurt. Pure instinct alone, I immediately punched him square in the face. Apparently the dentist didn't think it was as funny as I did.

Dentists have files. It followed me.
Lol yeah that would piss a dentist off... I can tell the frustration when I've accidentally clamped down on their hand... I can only imagine what a punch would do. While not enjoyable I've never had a problem with the needle alone... it's a quick enough injection that it doesn't bother me too much... but drilling on a decaying tooth when the lidocaine is not working is pure hell.
mma? how long did you train before you thought of taking a fight?
I started LEGITIMATELY training for MMA about a year before I took my first fight. Had been boxing a little bit and training with my friends a couple years before that though.
I just refuse to go. Fuck the dentist

I still have wisdom teeth, extremely imapacted
Yup that's where I am right now (not going)... it's been about 10 years. Problem is it's just delaying the inevitible as well as worsening any issues.
i had lower back pain and i literally just wanted to die while i was lying in bed. i cant even describe the pain except that at that moment i chose death. if you have ever experienced this you know what i am talking about
You just reminded me of a pretty awful experience.

I don't like anesthesia meds, I woke up early from a hernia surgery and was having convulsions on the table, nurses saw me pinned me down and gave me a shot and I passed out- weirdest 8-10 seconds of my life.

Anyway- since anesthesia meds make me sick (throwing up after hernia surgery SUCKS) I decided not to be put under for my vasectomy.

Not enough novacaine (and getting novacaine shots in the scrotum right by my balls wasn't fun either) but then the whole time I could feel what was going on. Feeling someone literally tugging on your balls, moving them around, pulling on the tube things, performing a surgery.... I tried to go to a happy place but failed, I'm squeamish even thinking about it.

Thanks a lot for pouring salt on old wounds TS
Damn dude, I kind of just wanna give you a hug right now, that's awful.
What would you guys pick....dull but throbbing pain that doesn’t go away for a week...or intense blinding almost pass out pain that lasts a minute? I had both and it’s a tough call.
I'd rather have it quick and be done with it. I live with nerve pain and it fucking sucks.
3 fractures in my back/neck C7, T12, L5. 7 herniated discs c6-7, C7-T1, T12-L1, L3-4/4-5/5-S1. 5 torn muscles to go along with it(glute, piraformas, quadratis), and a TBI. All from getting whipped around on the end of a cable into a wall. To be fair though, I walked away from that thinking I had gotten away with a few scratches. It wasn't until I woke up the next day unable to move or even cry out for help that the pain set in and then it was the stuff of nightmares. It took a over a day for my brother to come over looking for me and then I was rushed to the ER.
Well, I have had all sorts of fun pain. Cracked my sternum in half with A few broken ribs etc. Honestly, the worst is a migraine. I doubt even 2% of the people that say they have a migraine even know what one is. They just have a bad headache. Migraines hurt so bad you start thinking about killing yourself to end the pain. I would have someone snap my arm in a second than have one of those fuckers.
Yea, I've gone to the ER for one before.

Thankfully, I don't get them as bad anymore.