Woman accusing man of 'mansplaining' gets pawnd.

Like to a pawn shop?

I like the way that she got offended and threw it out there (assuming that he might back down a bit) and then gets surprised when he's offended.
I like how she acts as if he's supposed to be familiar with that term lmao.
The precedent has well and truly been set. When a woman feels like she can't compete with a man on an intellectual level, all she has to do is claim that a man is "mansplaining". If this is going to wash at a senate level without anyone so much as batting an eyelid, then we are well and truly fooked.
Tax dollars at work, bunch of twats- this should be the real outrage here. Paying for bickering and not progress, lovely.
I'm guessing she came from a previous position where she would have received a rousing ovation for pulling the man-hater card while losing a verbal debate.

That shit don't fly in the real world politics. Could you imagine a woman president/PM pull this stunt during a meeting with another countries leader.
I like how she acts as if he's supposed to be familiar with that term lmao.
Despite being a sjw feminist butthead, idek what it means lol. At first thought I read 'manspreading'. At least I know that.

Agh. Need to spend more time on tumblr
lol that cisgender bastard had to check HER privilege
If these feminist broads want to be men so badly and want to be strong so badly, then why are they so damn sensitive.
I'm surprised she brought such a ridiculous tumblrism into a setting like that. Glad that the dude had the balls to stand his ground and put the bitch in her place. Most other white men would've cucked out and crumbled.
I'm surprised she brought such a ridiculous tumblrism into a setting like that. Glad that the dude had the balls to stand his ground and put the bitch in her place. Most other white men would've cucked out and crumbled.
Man I crack up every time I see your AV lol
Brought to you by Anita Sarkeesian and the like. Pathetic. Third wave/Modern/whatever Feminism has soundly been debunked for nothing more then a illogical hate group. She dug her own grave, he buried her.
Sure you mean prawned
Idiotic for her to have used that word, she should have said condescending.

I wonder if she was right, and if she ended up giving him a pass by using that terminology.
Brought to you by Anita Sarkeesian and the like. Pathetic. Third wave/Modern/whatever Feminism has soundly been debunked for nothing more then a illogical hate group. She dug her own grave, he buried her.

Come on, dude. Whenever there has been reform to remove oppression, the group losing the power has made your statement every step of the way.

There are feminists out there who are batshit crazy or completely clueless, but you can't paint the entire movement with the same brush. That's been a common propaganda technique since the invention of propaganda.
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I'm guessing she came from a previous position where she would have received a rousing ovation for pulling the man-hater card while losing a verbal debate.

That shit don't fly in the real world politics. Could you imagine a woman president/PM pull this stunt during a meeting with another countries leader.

Aren't you even a little curious about what he said previously and if he was in fact being condescending?

She was incredibly stupid to use that word but what if she was right? Does that not matter?
The problem here is she didn't backtrack straight away. She got called out on it being inappropriate and should have straight away said "I appoligise that perhaps was a inappropriate term but my position of such and such stands" Very very cringe worthy and I couldn't make it to the end. Christ she didn't even need to back track just say "I withdraw the remark if the gentlman feels it was derogatory"

As the poster above stated would be interesting to hear what happend before. Even if he's a cunt she messed up big time here