"Woke" is now in the dictionary.

WTF is wrong with woke? It's one of the more crumulant words to be in the dictionary.


I've heard black people say this for a LONG time. Only people I hear saying it nowadays are white, self-enlightened hipsters who "identify with the struggle" or whatever.

here you go...maybe its my computer...did it go through this time? he's talking about you.
im not. youre literally retarded because all of this is completely going over your head

I've heard black people say this for a LONG time. Only people I hear saying it nowadays are white, self-enlightened hipsters who "identify with the struggle" or whatever.

you see the bold words...TS is talking about @Pied Piper so he's upset i think. hey, can you see it now? it was my computer before thats why....