"Woke" is now in the dictionary.

You all know language is fluid, right?

Some commonly misused or misspelled word is eventually no longer considered misused or misspelled because enough speakers of that language are using it in the same manner, and are able to understand one another.

Written English circa a few hundreds years ago is almost unrecognizable.
You all know language is fluid, right?

Some commonly misused or misspelled word is eventually no longer considered misused or misspelled because enough speakers of that language are using it in the same manner, and are able to understand one another.

Written English circa a few hundreds years ago is almost unrecognizable.

You're pretty #woke
Like someone already said language is fluid...now apparently it means being tuned in to social/political issues? whatever.
I hope it's not in the context people use it now...

You can't be 'woke', you can be 'awake', or you could have 'woke up' previously