Will your job be replaced by robots? lets find out

Im actually surprised at how high doctor's percentage is
72 % for carpenters

Which is absolutely fine by me, I'm ready to call it a day literally any day now

But only a 1% growth in next 10 years..

Be retiring by then..

No fucks given.

At some point A.I. will do everything better than humans.....everything. Humanity is not ready for what is coming.
At some point A.I. will do everything better than humans.....everything. Humanity is not ready for what is coming.
by then, the least of our worries will be keeping our jobs
by then, the least of our worries will be keeping our jobs

The power of A.I. will increase at an exponential rate. It IS increasing at an exponential rate. Elon Musk calls it a "double exponential". A few years ago a big one was when Alpha Go defeated a world champion GO player. It was thought that wouldn't occur for another 20-30 years. To illustrate the exponential rate A.I. is moving here is a quote concerning that and the video the quote came from.

"People thought defeating GO was either never or 20 years away. That was the world's best GO player was defeated and now that same Alpha GO system can defeat the top 50 players simultaneously with 0% chance of them winning, and that's 1 year later."

My point here is most people think it will be another 100 years or 50 years before A.I. gets better than humanity at everything. It won't be. It will be another 10 or 15 years and A.I. will be thousands of times better than humanity at virtually everything. We are not ready.