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Like I said in the War Room thread, the only thing I got from this news is that Lucius Fox and Bruce Wayne work for the CIA:

I would also like to say regarding my previous post, I would love to know how to blow up a car electronically like a Jason Bourne movie or something. If anyone "took control" of your vehicle all they could do is shut down your vehicle computer. There is no self destruct option. As far as I know.
I would also like to say regarding my previous post, I would love to know how to blow up a car electronically like a Jason Bourne movie or something. If anyone "took control" of your vehicle all they could do is shut down your vehicle computer. There is no self destruct option. As far as I know.

Could they not take control of the car and drive you into Chicago or some shit like that?
I would also like to say regarding my previous post, I would love to know how to blow up a car electronically like a Jason Bourne movie or something. If anyone "took control" of your vehicle all they could do is shut down your vehicle computer. There is no self destruct option. As far as I know.
They can remote control the car to a gas station
I would also like to say regarding my previous post, I would love to know how to blow up a car electronically like a Jason Bourne movie or something. If anyone "took control" of your vehicle all they could do is shut down your vehicle computer. There is no self destruct option. As far as I know.

they can hack your brakes. google it. security experts have talked about this for awhile now.
Me too.


kind of boring, really.

You won't be bored when the last one acknowledges the existence and distance of Nibiru and Nemesis.
UFC is opening an office in South Africa. Huge news.
When will they release Trumps Soviet peepee party tho?


Not important

Learn the fucking difference you dumb ass. You deserve Trump, it couldn't be any more obvious
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