Why's banning transgenders in the military controversial?

There's just so many obvious problems.. hormones obviously effect mental stability. If a transgender misses his hormone medication, they're now going to be emotionally volatile.. with lives under his/ her command. What now? That should OBVIOUSLY be disqualifying but somehow isn't because politics.

For fucks sake, you get DQd for taking ADD medications..
100%, mate.
I don't understand the outrage. You can get denied the opportunity to serve for being 29 (marines) or having a food allergy. Anything that slightly increases risk puts other peoples' lives in danger. Why isn't this just another medical risk category?

The problem is that he did it over twitter without even consulting the Joint Chiefs about it.
The problem is that he did it over twitter without even consulting the Joint Chiefs about it.

Yes and the rangatang did it using the wrong justification as well, saying that transgender medical care would be prohibitive. Obama based his decision to allow transgenders to serve based on good reports/studies which showed that the extra overall cost was very little and in fact would cost more in terms of disruption and if transgenders were suddenly booted out.

But rightwing nut websites are spinning their own version of the facts and figures that transgenders costs too much and bad for morale, and the taxpayer shouldn't have to foot the extra burden.
I don't understand the outrage. You can get denied the opportunity to serve for being 29 (marines) or having a food allergy. Anything that slightly increases risk puts other peoples' lives in danger. Why isn't this just another medical risk category?

They should give everyone with some disadvantage their own units. The least desirable can be used as the cannon fodder troops.