Why was the state of Israel not created prior to 1948?

Was the state of Israel created as a result of the Holocaust?

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  • No

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The white european jews that occupy Palestine have nothing to do with the jews of the old testament. Just another group of whites that invaded and displaced a native people.

Did you read the pros-and-cons of your link - the Balfour Declaration?

"The British policy as stated in the declaration was to face numerous challenges to its implementation in the following years. The declaration had two indirect consequences, the emergence of a Jewish state and a chronic state of conflict between Arabs and Jews throughout the Middle East. It has been described as the "original sin" with respect to both Britain's failure in Palestine and for wider events in Palestine. The statement also had a significant impact on the traditional anti-Zionism of religious Jews, some of whom saw it as divine providence."

"In August 1920 the report of the Palin Commission, noted that 'The Balfour Declaration... is undoubtedly the starting point of the whole trouble'. The conclusion of the report mentioned the Balfour Declaration three times, stating that 'the causes of the alienation and exasperation of the feelings of the population of Palestine' included:
  • "inability to reconcile the Allies' declared policy of self-determination with the Balfour Declaration, giving rise to a sense of betrayal and intense anxiety for their future";
  • "misapprehension of the true meaning of the Balfour Declaration and forgetfulness of the guarantees determined therein, due to the loose rhetoric of politicians and the exaggerated statements and writings of interested persons, chiefly Zionists"; and
  • "Zionist indiscretion and aggression since the Balfour Declaration aggravating such fears".
"It is said that the effect of the 'Balfour Declaration' was to leave the Moslems and Christians dumbfounded... It is impossible to minimise the bitterness of the awakening. They considered that they were to be handed over to an oppression which they hated far more than the Turk's and were aghast at the thought of this domination... Prominent people openly talk of betrayal and that England has sold the country and received the price... Towards the Administration [the Zionists] adopted the attitude of "We want the Jewish State and we won't wait", and they did not hesitate to avail themselves of every means open to them in this country and abroad to force the hand of an Administration bound to respect the "Status Quo" and to commit it, to a policy not contemplated in the Balfour Declaration... What more natural than that should fail to realise the immense difficulties the Administration was and is labouring under and come to the conclusion that the openly published demands of the Jews were to be granted and the guarantees in the Declaration were to become but a dead letter."
. Did the Holocaust Play a Role in the Establishment of the State of Israel?
Yes, and it continues to let her survive as a racist, apartheid, terrorist entity that murders with impunity. Beyond that there are 51 documents compiled by an Israeli jew that exposes the zionist collaboration with the nazis. Not a conspiracy theory (for assholes) - ACTUAL DOCUMENTS:


Read it.

"The British, who held a colonial mandate for Palestine until May 1948, opposed both the creation of a Jewish state and an Arab state in Palestine as well as unlimited immigration of Jewish refugees to the region."

The colonial mandate was not anything legal in any sense of the word. One group of men, giving another group of men, yet another's land is simply incomprehensible ever, let alone in modern times.

"But the State of Israel did NOT come about because of the Holocaust! 2,000 years of yearning and prayer and 50 years of intensive Zionist activities preceded it and was essential to the State becoming a reality."
Total BULLSHIT. The zionists stole the Jewish identity along with the name "Israel." Nothing about zionism even equates to anything Jewish. And zionist activities actually started to gain mainstream understanding as far back as the mid 1800s. Look this up, but the two most prolific early zionists were George Bush (not either President, but a distant relative) and Churchill's grandfather.

"If anything the Holocaust almost destroyed the natural hinterland of the Zionist movement and nearly <solved the Jewish problem> in a lethal fashion. Had the Nazis fulfilled their intentions and all of the Jews of Europe and the Middle East had been murdered in the Death Camps would anyone have argued for the pressing need of an Independent Jewish State for the Jews of America?"
Just.... completely fucked.

"It would be nice to say that the Zionist organization and the desire of the Jewish people were enough to create Israel, but realistically, Israel needed outside help. The Holocaust provided resources for Israel, which helped Israel survive for over half a century. A lot of the success is due to the reparations given by West Germany to Israel and the continuation of trade between the two countries."
Again, the zionists collaborated with the nazis. Judaism and zionism are diametrically opposed. Look at it from any point of view... they have nothing in common.

Shit, one is a religion, the other a political movement. One believes thou shalt not steal, the other steals land, let alone one of the world's oldest and truest religions. One believes thou shalt not kill, the other murders, even children, with impunity.

Jews are simply one thing and one thing only. It means they have accepted our Torah on Mt. Sinai. That's it, but for the part about every mother offers that to their child for eternity. Jews further believe that when we return to our promised land, it will be by God's will - CERTAINLY NOT BY FORCE AND CERTAINLY NOT ETHNICALLY CLEANSING GOD'S CHILDREN IN THE PROCESS.

We are so conditioned by a complacent establishment including schools, churches, synagogues, even mosques, let alone a media that never sleeps, that these simple and obvious truths never see the light of day.
Yes, and it continues to let her survive as a racist, apartheid, terrorist entity that murders with impunity.

Ah, you forgot to vote. I see that 'abiG2' is now gone. Not sure what that was all about. All your 'yellows' are now gone.
Here it is again. How strong was the Jewish influence in German banking in the 1930s?

"Private currency speculators caused the German mark to plummet, precipitating one of the worst runaway inflations in modern times. A wheelbarrow full of 100 billion-mark banknotes could not buy a loaf of bread. The national treasury was empty. Countless homes and farms were lost to speculators and to private (Jewish controlled) banks. Germans lived in hovels. They were starving."

"Nothing like this had ever happened before - the total destruction of the national currency, plus the wiping out of people's savings and businesses. On top of this came a global depression. Germany had no choice but to succumb to debt slavery under international (mainly Jewish) bankers until 1933, when the National Socialists came to power. At that point the German government thwarted the international banking cartels by issuing its own money. World Jewry responded by declaring a global boycott against Germany."

"Hitler began a national credit program by devising a plan of public works that included flood control, repair of public buildings and private residences, and construction of new roads, bridges, canals, and port facilities. All these were paid for with money that no longer came from the private international bankers."
I suspect once the ottomans lost it to the British empire in WW1 it was only time until the Jews got their hands on it. The holocaust certainly helped but they would of got it by hook or by crook anyways.
Zionism became an active movement in the 19th century and Jews had began to relocate to their ancestral homeland prior to the Holocaust. The holocaust may have sped things up but the ball was already in motion.
The white european jews that occupy Palestine have nothing to do with the jews of the old testament. Just another group of whites that invaded and displaced a native people.

By that logic the Palestine Arabs should give it back to the Vatican. The holy land was Byzantine before it was Arab, genetic evidence points to the spread of Arabs in the Mediterranean occurring around the dark ages.

The Israelis might not be the Jews of the bible but neither was Jesus a brown Arab/Palestinian like recent depictions have started trying to portray him as. Arabs weren’t in Nazareth in 0 AD, more like Greco-romans.
The holocaust certainly helped but they would of got it by hook or by crook anyways.
Zionism became an active movement in the 19th century and Jews had began to relocate to their ancestral homeland prior to the Holocaust.

Actually I disagree. Many Jews are not Zionists and were happy in the country they lived prior to WWII - Europe.
Do Catholics need a homeland?
How many Jews would have been saved by the creation of Israel prior to WWII? Why did the Zionists not see this coming and push up the British agenda for a homeland in Palestine? Israel was created and paid for with the lives of 6,000,000 Jews in 1948.
I could only imagine what the holocaust did to the collective psyche of European Jews. The Nazis were rounding up Jewish children for evacuation to camps even as they were retreating near the end of the war. The Allies were never accepting enough refugees from Nazi policies to provide a way of escape, that kind of experience will create some imperative to create a homeland. There's a tendency to portray the people who suffered in the holocaust as pure helpless victims, but that experience hardened a generation of European Jews even more so than the war.
I could only imagine what the holocaust did to the collective psyche of European Jews. The Nazis were rounding up Jewish children for evacuation to camps even as they were retreating near the end of the war. The Allies were never accepting enough refugees from Nazi policies to provide a way of escape, that kind of experience will create some imperative to create a homeland. There's a tendency to portray the people who suffered in the holocaust as pure helpless victims, but that experience hardened a generation of European Jews even more so than the war.
There is a reason for why many Jews use the saying that they always have a bag packed just in case and see themselves as cosmopolitans because they are a people of the world since they have been forced out in the diaspora.
spoils of war.

Israel is not perfect, no country is. We relocated Isralies to Israel to protect them from Germans who thought burning them alive was a good idea.

Need i say more?
The reason Germany had so many Jews is because they tended to be more tolerant than other areas of Europe. Many Jews had fled other European countries due to persecution in prior decades.

After the Holocaust not many countries had an open door policy to the Jews and If I were a Jew who knew my history I wouldn't exactly be looking to stay in Europe anyway.

At that time the US was largely isolationist and weary of immigrant (especially Catholics and Jews).


The Holocaust didn't create Israel but it sped up a rational movement to create a Jewish state after centuries of persecution.
Actually I disagree. Many Jews are not Zionists and were happy in the country they lived prior to WWII - Europe.
Do Catholics need a homeland?
How many Jews would have been saved by the creation of Israel prior to WWII? Why did the Zionists not see this coming and push up the British agenda for a homeland in Palestine? Israel was created and paid for with the lives of 6,000,000 Jews in 1948.
They have a few
Did you read the pros-and-cons of your link - the Balfour Declaration?

"The British policy as stated in the declaration was to face numerous challenges to its implementation in the following years. The declaration had two indirect consequences, the emergence of a Jewish state and a chronic state of conflict between Arabs and Jews throughout the Middle East. It has been described as the "original sin" with respect to both Britain's failure in Palestine and for wider events in Palestine. The statement also had a significant impact on the traditional anti-Zionism of religious Jews, some of whom saw it as divine providence."

"In August 1920 the report of the Palin Commission, noted that 'The Balfour Declaration... is undoubtedly the starting point of the whole trouble'. The conclusion of the report mentioned the Balfour Declaration three times, stating that 'the causes of the alienation and exasperation of the feelings of the population of Palestine' included:
  • "inability to reconcile the Allies' declared policy of self-determination with the Balfour Declaration, giving rise to a sense of betrayal and intense anxiety for their future";
  • "misapprehension of the true meaning of the Balfour Declaration and forgetfulness of the guarantees determined therein, due to the loose rhetoric of politicians and the exaggerated statements and writings of interested persons, chiefly Zionists"; and
  • "Zionist indiscretion and aggression since the Balfour Declaration aggravating such fears".
"It is said that the effect of the 'Balfour Declaration' was to leave the Moslems and Christians dumbfounded... It is impossible to minimise the bitterness of the awakening. They considered that they were to be handed over to an oppression which they hated far more than the Turk's and were aghast at the thought of this domination... Prominent people openly talk of betrayal and that England has sold the country and received the price... Towards the Administration [the Zionists] adopted the attitude of "We want the Jewish State and we won't wait", and they did not hesitate to avail themselves of every means open to them in this country and abroad to force the hand of an Administration bound to respect the "Status Quo" and to commit it, to a policy not contemplated in the Balfour Declaration... What more natural than that should fail to realise the immense difficulties the Administration was and is labouring under and come to the conclusion that the openly published demands of the Jews were to be granted and the guarantees in the Declaration were to become but a dead letter."
lol if you think any of that wouldve deterred the British.... we literally gave zero fucks back then
… and here it begins, the 1942 Wannsee Conference.

"The purpose of the conference, called by the director of the Reich Main Security Office SS-Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich, was to ensure the cooperation of administrative leaders of various government departments in the implementation of the so-called Final solution to the Jewish question, whereby most of the Jews of German-occupied Europe would be deported to occupied Poland and murdered."

They have a few - Catholics.

Yes, and so do the Jews. Interesting results in the polls. 50/50. @abiG forgot to vote 'yes'.

Lol if you think any of that would've deterred the British.... We literally gave zero fucks back then.

Yes, and so did the Zionists. By the time anyone gave a fuck it was too late. So yes, the Holocaust was Israel's ticket to being created.
… and here it begins, the 1942 Wannsee Conference.

"The purpose of the conference, called by the director of the Reich Main Security Office SS-Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich, was to ensure the cooperation of administrative leaders of various government departments in the implementation of the so-called Final solution to the Jewish question, whereby most of the Jews of German-occupied Europe would be deported to occupied Poland and murdered."

Yes, and so do the Jews. Interesting results in the polls. 50/50. @abiG forgot to vote 'yes'.

Yes, and so did the Zionists. By the time anyone gave a fuck it was too late. So yes, the Holocaust was Israel's ticket to being created.

Ive already stated, it just gave them an excuse..... it was already in the works
Not going to read the thread as anything involving the Jewish people always turns into a dumpster fire. But I have a comment and a question.

I thought land purchase by Jewish people in modern day Israel was well underway prior to WW2. Am I remembering wrong? So the holocaust sped the process up and gave the effort of finding a Jewish homeland (lets not be dishonest and call it their ancestral lands as they're not the same people who left it eons ago) legitimacy. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.