Why most MT fighters in Thailand teens?

Lol at the hyperventilating poster.

It's really a cultural difference.
The kids are basically slaves. There is no pay (edit some are "paid", some aren't, either way it's not good). The kids are used up until they no longer function, which is the mid-20s. Thailand is pretty much the bottom of the barrel as far as human rights are concerned. Be luck if you're a little boy instead of a little girl, cuz it's also a sex slave destination. Say "the king is not that great" and you go to jail. It's no NYC or London.

One of the most uneducated posts I've read.
Most gyms also work as a kind of adoption drop off center in that the gyms will adopt a child that parents cannot afford to keep. In exchange for food, sleep and training they are expected to fight to pay off the costs of their living. These kids are saved from a life on the streets by fighting hence it has such a huge cultural impact, fighting changes lives over there.
If they're good they get to the point where the Gym is paying them to stay there and if they want to move to a different gym that gym will have to pay a large restitution to the original gym.

As for the sex slave thing, you're not far off the sex tourism industry funds it. As long as there are westerners willing to pay to fuck a child then there will be a market for Pedos there, they should really just shoot the tourists who are caught doing that straight away, no court.