Why is weight such a big deal?


Oct 17, 2015
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I pick up a 10 lb dumb-bell and curl it with just my bicep. It's easy and it feels like nothing. How can something so menial make the difference between a champion @ 125 not being able to beat top 5 fighters at the weight class above? How does something that feels so light and meaningless mean so much?
Hit yourself in the head with that dumbell and let us know how that felt...

1. A dumb-bell doesn't fight back.

2. Take your max on any lift. Why can't you do 10 lbs more?

3. Put on 10 lbs of muscle and see if your strength is the same.

4. You probably couldn't lift and hold the 10 lbs for 15-25 minutes.
Every pound counts. Speed, muscle mass, and power all change depending on the weight.
Yeah weight classes are dumb as hell.
Rockhold vs Nate Diaz, book it Dana.
The best explanation I've heard is to think of an uncooked 8oz steak. 20 of those is 10lbs. Imagine the difference in your body with all those steaks packed onto it.
I pick up a 10 lb dumb-bell and curl it with just my bicep. It's easy and it feels like nothing. How can something so menial make the difference between a champion @ 125 not being able to beat top 5 fighters at the weight class above? How does something that feels so light and meaningless mean so much?

Go pickup a 300 pound chick and let us know in the morning if you have the answer to your thread.
Every pound counts. Speed, muscle mass, and power all change depending on the weight.



well they forced boxing ideas on mma and so now we have 125ers and other exciting weight classes.
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I pick up a 10 lb dumb-bell and curl it with just my bicep. It's easy and it feels like nothing. How can something so menial make the difference between a champion @ 125 not being able to beat top 5 fighters at the weight class above? How does something that feels so light and meaningless mean so much?
These are the questions that try men's souls
I really like the 8oz steak thought, gets the point across.

With that thinking why does 20lbs matter? Can't Jones just move to HW.... Because 35lbs is a massive delta.

Personally I hate the weight cut, think its terrible and we are now seeing how dangerous it is for fighters.
He question was badly, badly put. But the answers are so much worse.
A lot of condescending idiots sporting an unjustified air of superiority and trying to sound funny but totally unable to present a science based reply.
I pick up a 10 lb dumb-bell and curl it with just my bicep. It's easy and it feels like nothing. How can something so menial make the difference between a champion @ 125 not being able to beat top 5 fighters at the weight class above? How does something that feels so light and meaningless mean so much?

Try wrestling against someone who is heavier and stronger than you and you will have your answer.

Weight also matters in striking (as transferring your weight into your punches is how to generate power) but to a lesser extent than in wrestling.
Weight isn't as much of an issue in striking but it still is in terms of power. Technique can help overcome that. Grappling and wrestling is where weight really makes a difference and why those sports are tightly controlled when it comes to weight.