Why I am now Libertarian (New Alternative Political Ideology)

Damn kids are too lazy to even read Ayn Rand anymore and just watch films instead.
I agree that a lot of racists have attached to it. There are many people that only subscribe to this ideology to troll people. I saw a guy call into Sam Seder and debate that we wouldnt pay taxes for roads and infrastructure because we could fly around with jetpacks and hover cars.

There are some valid critiques of the ideology.
Of course they’d jump in. It allows them to talk. I know a few Muslim libertarians here too. Free speech doesn’t just cover the things you like but that’s what jack and co are after. Government to do more, and boy don’t they do a good job of everything they touch, and them to be free to call everyone racist.
I'm not a libertarian. I'm not completely against government regulation, particularly some environmental regulations. I'm not completely against government social programs when it comes to those that are truly needy/disabled. I think the government should be involved on some level with most infrastructure projects. I would like to see an increase in children attending private schools over public schools, but I understand that for some people, particularly low income households and those living in remote areas this isn't always possible.

That being said, I am pretty sympathetic to a lot of libertarian ideas. In general I would like a small government that didn't try to regulate private behavior, spent less money on social welfare programs, spent less on corporate welfare policies, had fewer taxes, had fewer regulations on small businesses and independent contractors, and much less military involvement abroad.
Nice comedy bit. All the propaganda buzzwords are hit: personal responsibility, small government, low taxes and on and on. Completely meaningless concepts authored to rope in the suckers to promote policy at odds with the middle and lower class welfare.

What does small gov. even mean? Right now, the fed is huge...and it's not going back. Better representative gov is the goal...not less representative gov....that's how a precious minority can co-opt the whole enterprise.

Sort of like a gov. by and for the economic royalists instead of by and for The People.

Never forget this lesson of history:


In the summer of 1933, shortly after Roosevelt's "First 100 Days," America's richest businessmen were in a panic. It was clear that Roosevelt intended to conduct a massive redistribution of wealth from the rich to the poor. Roosevelt had to be stopped at all costs.

The answer was a military coup. It was to be secretly financed and organized by leading officers of the Morgan and Du Pont empires. This included some of America's richest and most famous names of the time:
  • Irenee Du Pont - Right-wing chemical industrialist and founder of the American Liberty League, the organization assigned to execute the plot.
  • Grayson Murphy - Director of Goodyear, Bethlehem Steel and a group of J.P. Morgan banks.
  • William Doyle - Former state commander of the American Legion and a central plotter of the coup.
  • John Davis - Former Democratic presidential candidate and a senior attorney for J.P. Morgan.
  • Al Smith - Roosevelt's bitter political foe from New York. Smith was a former governor of New York and a codirector of the American Liberty League.
  • John J. Raskob - A high-ranking Du Pont officer and a former chairman of the Democratic Party. In later decades, Raskob would become a "Knight of Malta," a Roman Catholic Religious Order with a high percentage of CIA spies, including CIA Directors William Casey, William Colby and John McCone.
  • Robert Clark - One of Wall Street's richest bankers and stockbrokers.
  • Gerald MacGuire - Bond salesman for Clark, and a former commander of the Connecticut American Legion. MacGuire was the key recruiter to General Butler.
The plotters attempted to recruit General Smedley Butler to lead the coup. They selected him because he was a war hero who was popular with the troops. The plotters felt his good reputation was important to make the troops feel confident that they were doing the right thing by overthrowing a democratically elected president. However, this was a mistake: Butler was popular with the troops because he identified with them. That is, he was a man of the people, not the elite. When the plotters approached General Butler with their proposal to lead the coup, he pretended to go along with the plan at first, secretly deciding to betray it to Congress at the right moment.


These rich people don't quit. They keep the assault on the American perspective going strongly with propaganda values listed in the OP. That's a large cause of the currently misguided and manipulated right wing middle and lower classes which voted for a rich crook to drain the criminal DC swamp. It also is a cause of the crass commercialism that has transformed Americans into petty hyper competitive ruthless consumer cattle.
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With the loose definitions of libertarianism conservatism, progressivism, liberalism, atheism, theism and agnosticism I am a little bit of all them ffs. What ism I?
Libertarians are essentially the Jedi Knights and Masters of society and the political spectrum. Imagine Neo at the end of The Matrix, but way cooler. It's like being an atheist, but without the obnoxiousness and cringe. You get to wear cool hats like Clint Eastwood, and ride into the sunset as the lone wolf... Metaphorically speaking.


Don't get me wrong, it's not a centrist movement dictated on the ebbs and flows of Democrats and Republicans. We're much cooler and have our own unique identity.

What do we (Libertarians) believe in?

- Low taxes
- No taxation without representation
- Small government
- Personal responsibility
- Private sector growth and support
- Free trade enterprise without the government meddling, bailouts and cronyism
- Minimal to nonexistent welfare state
- Separation of state and church

Core pillars of our ideology include;


Individual Rights

Spontaneous Order

The Rule of Law

Limited Governments

Free Markets

Virtue of Production

We've got all the best things about Democrats and Republicans, and none of the bad things

The problem I have with Libs is that your states right this amd states rights that is absolutely fucking insane on manu levels. Its actual,y amazing that no one has properly called out Ron Paul on this.

EPA is a perfect example. They may be a beuracracy and thus have plenty of shortcomings but if you get rid of this agency in favor of state regulations, a common libertarian stance, you will get some really bad side effects.

States will pollute their neighbors as long as it benefits them. And then you end up with scenarios like NW PA and NY getting acid rain because Ohio was letting their power plants pollute outside of federal regulation.

States are in it for themselves, and thus in many cases, should not be left to their own rules.
With the loose definitions of libertarianism conservatism, progressivism, liberalism, atheism, theism and agnosticism I am a little bit of all them ffs. What ism I?

I think narcissism is the system that means the most to me.