Why don't men use the head and arm throw?


Wmma is so shallow that the GOAT has never shot for a takefown once!TE]

Wmma is so shallow that the GOAT has never shot for a takefown once
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They're pretty easy to block. Also, the additional hair on WMMA fighters makes them a lot easier to get.
download.jpg Screenshot_2017-02-26-13-37-16~01.png Screenshot_2017-02-26-13-37-11~01.png I'm starting to think that shedoggers cannot tell the difference between "mildly attractive " vs skill.

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back when I used to wrestle girls would spam that shit too
I didn't know what a head to arm throw is.

I just looked it up and LOL.

That wouldn't work against JV wrestlers with a half season of training.

No way that's being pulled off in WMMA fights.
You've never seen a Ronda fight?
yeah. did you tap any UFC champions lol? I don't think people realize how poor the skill level in WMMA is compared to men.

Sara Mcmann getting tapped by a 16 year old

Sara is got some ass...
Because men have strength. Watching WMMA is like setting up 2 inflatable car dealership tube mans next to each other.
Like people are saying, it is easy to counter - but good wrestlers DO get caught in it at times - largely when it's unexpected. But setups and whatnot make it more possible to pull off. It can be one of the hardest moves to get out of on the ground if you get caught in it.
But whenever it doesn't work, your opponent is behind you.

Ironically, I swear it's gotta be the top move used against girls in wrestling.
You go for a head and arm throw with someone who knows how to wrestle/grapple you are going to find them behind your back with their hands clasped around your waist before you know it.
Depends how u set it up I won the ofsaa (ont hs) and used a one with a foot sweep. But it was a one a done move I wouldn't throw more than one or two the whole meet.
head and arm throw is easy to counter if you see it coming, and 90% of the time a good wrestler will see it coming

its a good surprise attack though. I've been caught in it once.
Because men are more talented than women, so it doesn't work on them.
You can defend it, as a pro fighter, I guess