Why doesn't Communism work?

Any system that's run by humans fails, because humans cannot be trusted.
That's all there is to it, nothing more, nothing less
The real truth: Every time you ever tried to better yourself you were working to create inequality between yourself and your fellow man. The reason someone pays someone to do their job is because they are reasonably expected to be better than others at that particular task.

Where you really run into the worst kind of problems with communism is all the jobs you really need people to be truly superb at take tremendous dedication and skill. Lets take for example you have something wrong with your brain and you need neurosurgery. Convince me I should go to college for 4 years, then Medical school for 4 years where I won't have a life, and then surgical residency where I will be treated worse than a burger flipper at McDonalds for 7 years to finally be qualified to take care of your brain on my own without there being more reward than doing absolutely nothing productive. Unfortunately after giving up essentially your whole life for 11/15 years of training you want me to make the same pay as someone else to what?! Keep working more than everyone else under an atmosphere of incredible scrutiny?!

Karl Marx was pretty clear in that most work would have to be automated for socialism to even be a possibility. He saw it as a foundation for socialism. I actually think his points were fairly well thought out and it never ceases to amaze me how people who claim to be intelligent just gloss right over the fact that socialism is an impossible system to implement as long as so many of the things we rely on in our lives require such massive investments of time from certain groups of people. Every time a country decides they are going to alienate those people they either stop producing or take their production somewhere else and society slowly erodes or rapidly collapses depending upon how aggressively the policies are implemented. We probably need another 100 years of good capitalism to create the technology that would even make socialism (communism) a reality that wouldn't send is rapidly hurtling backwards in regard to average quality of life.
because people hate being equal. it is human nature. the party elite will always fuck the working masses.

People don't "hate being equal", they aren't equal.
Equality of outcome isn't a natural scenario in any free society.
The only way to change this is by force, which is what communism does.
They hate being made equal by a government because it's immoral and evil.
What makes it not applicable?

Take your life savings and everything you own and distribute it to everyone else in your neighborhood. The gut feeling that keeps you from doing that is why Communism doesn't work.

There is no such thing as real Communism. It is just a way for a government to control it's citizens.
You're a moron.

It is because it kills individualism. A group of people deciding for the rest who are then forced to behave and live that way. That is why.
Absolute power also calls for absolute corruption.

You're welcome
it seems to me that you are the moron here. you just rephrased what I said. being equal = no individualism. party elite = absolute power.
I grew up in USSR. what the fuck do you know about communism, dumb shit?
People don't "hate being equal", they aren't equal.
Equality of outcome isn't a natural scenario in any free society.
The only way to change this is by force, which is what communism does.
They hate being made equal by a government because it's immoral and evil.
oh ffs. of course they arent equal. communism forces it on them, so under communism you are equal. you only choose whether you are an equal free man or an equal man in GULAG.
oh ffs. of course they arent equal. communism forces it on them, so under communism you are equal. you only choose whether you are an equal free man or an equal man in GULAG.
I think I misunderstood what you were trying to say. Looks like we actually agree.
Centralized planning of markets does not work because it cannot predict unusual events or deviations. There is a fundamentally difference between complicated systems (like factory assembly lines) and complex ones (political environments, economic markets, the weather, etc).

When all power is centralized and unchecked, it inherently creates a conflict between the ruling members and the rest of the people. Because resources are a zero sum game, those in power say, "The people can get by with less," giving themselves more. This inequality is inevitable, ensuring that the system doesn't work as intended on paper.
It barely works at a household level. It only works in tribes when nobody has anything anyway.

Huh? Communism at a household level? What are the means of production in a household, the sewing machine? No social classes ie no parental authority, that's nonsensical. You should read about what communism actually is (read some Marx and Engels) and not go off of engineered pejorative anecdotes. Communism =/= communal-ism. Reading about it will help you to understand what you misunderstood about it in the past. I don't want you to like it or care if you do but you should understand what it is if you want to discuss it. Hopefully doing so will help you to understand that it is incompatible with the state because it seeks to destroy the state and money and the class structure. There is no way for a functional communist nation to exist; the very notion of a communist nation is idiotic. Hypothetical phases of transition are discussed by Marx, those hypotheses are what have been disproven in a historical context.

Here: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/search/?query=karl+marx
Adding to the previous answers. It's also not based on empirical evidence and refutes empiricism that goes against dialectical materialism, Marxism is as scientific as Freud's theories(they aren't).
Dialectical materialism is a big joke and usually falls into determinism.
Managerial skills are usually overlooked as a bourgeois thing.
Yes, of course, if the semi-literate workers take over the factory they will run it as well as the bourgeois manager.
Central planning is also terribly inefficient compared to a market.

Not all forms of communism need to follow what I said, but marxism-leninism is basically that. Intellectuals reject everything that goes against Marxism, central planning, populism with unskilled people taking over powerful positions due to being party members/union leaders/workers leader even if incompetent because "it's better than the bourgeois", ideological purism which leads to purging of non conforming supporters.
It doesn't work because right now you still need individual ambition and tenacity to survive. And so no one will sacrifice their survival or that of their offspring for the state.

Could it theoretically ever work? We're a long way from that being plausible.
Communism eliminates individual self determination and replaces it with collective central planning. You have no rights to work hard and make something of yourself. Your existence, job, status, is determined by "party bosses" who inevitably use their power for cronyism and nepotism. Arts, sports, entertainment, etc become contrived chores to promote the collective.

Everywhere communism currently exists they have teams of party officials that follow media around so they can't report bad stuff. That in itself should warn you how dark and oppressive life in communist states are.