Why do nationalists praise Putin instead of Xi?

I don't like being lied to, and could give a fuck who's doing the lying. I don't like Russian liars, American liars, Brazilian liars, French liars. You're doing the typical thing here and just saying meddling and manipulating and conveniently leaving out any details about how there's meddling and manipulation. If they're just giving me factual information, why in hell would I be upset about that? It's all true, but I'm supposed to ignore it and be angry because I don't like the country that uncovered it?
I can't wait until the justice department gives Julian Assange an immunity deal and he provides proof that the source of the emails was not even Russian. The truth is the truth, no matter who says it or their motives.
Because those people praising them aren't real nationalist.
You can't be a real nationalist without being a socialist.

Putin is an oligarch and Xi is some sort of strange communists in a country with Billionaires.
Both of them would be shot for treason in a real nationalist country.
Holy shit. Snake is always dropping knowledge bombs that I'm insufficient yet prepared for.
Putin is a sensible moderate by Russian political standards, which makes him a raging right-wing nationalist by European standards, because of how heavily Europe leans to the left, and a bad guy by American standards, because he's considered a threat.

The KGB were always the pragmatic, coldly calculated, nationalist-wing of the Communist party, purely concerned with furthering the interests of the state (and by extension the nation), in practise the followers of Stalinism, rather than Marxism, and that is where Putin draws his inspiration from. While he might have an ideological foundation of his own, he is willing to compromise when it is in the best interests of the state (and obviously himself).

Problem with Xi, is that he steps all over the idea of individual freedom, which might appeal to the collectivist Sieg Heil-types (which in reality are a minority of trolls/disturbed individuals), but not necessarily Western-minded individualists. He'll crack down on Islam, sure, but he is also cracking down on Chinese cultural tradition. He wishes to extend surveillance over everybody. That's not someone that is easy to rally behind, except when observed at a distance.

Even with Putin being ex-KGB, he is really not that interested in people's personal lives, and how they choose to live them.
As noted above, most of these people aren't real nationalists. If they were, they would hate the idea of Putin interfering in our elections and want to beat both countries, Russia and China, in the global marketplace and in terms of wielding international influence. Instead we have this inexplicable love affair with a foreign leader whose interests do not align with ours.
I don't think he means in that way.
Sure, if you're an american nationalist Russian success is bad, but he means that an american/western nationalist could like putin modus operandi and could want a guy like him as their president.