Why are Government/Municipal employees miserable and lazy?

Going to the DMV is seriously the worst fucking experience.

How do these people get the jobs?
I've met some nice people from time to time at the DMV. I actually met a woman that was working there when I got my license renewed and she was all excited because we had the same birthday and started chatting me up for a few minutes.

I also had the woman working the camera question if it was even me in my previous license because I was clean shaven and had really short hair. She was telling me that I looked better with long hair and facial hair in my new picture.
In private enterprise, performance actually affect your salary much more than in government occupation. I don't know for certain but promotion tend to be based on length of employment rather than merit.
two reasons: good enough for government work is a saying, and it applies to all GOV operations

and two: it's awfully hard to remove Gov employees w/o going through the proper admin steps, since the managers are largely worthless and don't know the steps, it doesn't happen like EVER