Who is the WR's hardest truther? Where are you? Quick quiz...

lol @ being a truther because you think caffeine can be unhealthy or Monsanto is corrupt.

stupid picture.
5) The US medical system is highly flawed

6) Our food sources ARE being poisoned via pesticides though I think its just an unintended consequence rather than a planned systematic operation.

7) The jury is out on GMOs but I am wary of them

8) TV is easily the most accessible manner to brainwash the populace

9) Politics aren't necessarily an illusion but politics eventually does corrupt even the most noble of men. The system eats you alive.

12) Yes. Sorta.

13) I have no clue about the specifics of this but I would assume yes

14) Fluoride is a heavy metal. Yes, its a toxin.

8) Plenty of lotions and creams are chock full of toxic chemical compounds so yes.

21) Wars DO benefit the economic elite.

25) Obvious yes and there's plenty of documented evidence of such events.

28) I do believe pesticides play a huge role in cancer rates

29) I'm pretty sure its been proven that the US space program was greatly aided with the expertise of Nazi scientists.

31) MKUltra was a real program but idk if its intended purpose was successful.

34) I don't trust any multinational corporations, Monsanto included.

35) Yes

36) I do believe there are real cures for many ailments that Big Pharma would never advocate for.

So 17/40.
Yeah, I had about the same score as you did. As if Monsanto being corrupt is a conspiracy. PCB crisis anyone? Anniston?
How the fuck are you going to leave flat earth off that list?

Prokofievian BTFO, WOW!!


>No "Cultural Marxism is a ploy to destroy the white race"

5 - this is extremely broad - can profit motive and horrible cost efficiency equate to fraudulence?
15 - is this debated? Just for people with anxiety problems, caffeine is troubling
21 - maybe not "all," but plenty of wars benefit "elite" private interests
25 - plenty of documented false flags, and declassified plans from US
29 - there is plenty of documented contribution of ex-Nazi scientists to American science
30 - all wars have "alternative motives."

So mark me down as a solid 6. Hard to believe any of 15, 25, 29, or 30 could be denied.
I had the same questions about 5, 15, and 29. You should relook at 30 though. The alternative motives it specifically states in the parentheses refers to the NWO, not just “alternate motives” in general.
Agree with quite a few tbh. Only skim read them though.
Project blue beam is the idea that NASA will stage a false second coming of Christ (probably with holograms) to implement the New World Order. It's an old time CT that's never really gone away, although it hasn't really gathered a massive new following with the internet because it's very dated. There's a lot of variations on it (The Cosmic Conspiracy, Beyond A Pale Horse etc).

So mark me down as a solid 6. Hard to believe any of 15, 25, 29, or 30 could be denied.
Kind of depends on the interpretation of the questions. I think of a "yes" as representing a situation that goes a bit beyond common/available knowledge, and into "truther" territory with respect to what we know. For example Monsanto is shady as hell, and there are false flags in our history books, but we know those things, and there probably isn't a rabbit hole to go down.
5 - this is extremely broad - can profit motive and horrible cost efficiency equate to fraudulence?
15 - is this debated? Just for people with anxiety problems, caffeine is troubling
21 - maybe not "all," but plenty of wars benefit "elite" private interests
25 - plenty of documented false flags, and declassified plans from US
29 - there is plenty of documented contribution of ex-Nazi scientists to American science
30 - all wars have "alternative motives."

So mark me down as a solid 6. Hard to believe any of 15, 25, 29, or 30 could be denied.
Note the parenthetical in 30.

I think there are others that impliedly might be like that: not facially ridiculous, but carry a subtext that render them so, but wouldn't necessarily be noticed by those who don't follow the underlying CTs.
Scored a 2. 8 and 15 were the ones that I selected, and I would caveat for 15 that caffeine is only harmful in large doses. Since the statement does not specify dosage, I defaulted to saying yes. And I totally believe that TV has brainwashed the masses. It encourages a reliance on visual stimuli being present, whereas books, music, and other non-visual stimuli enforce creativity in the subject. When you read a book, for example, you imagine the events and create descriptions of the characters. TV doesn't encourage that creativity because the pictures are already there.
About 5 of these I agree with. 2 of them were so vague you have to kind of agree...