When is the right time to put up your Christmas tree and decorations?

Nothing beats a fresh Christmas tree smell, those Fraser and Douglas Fir trees smell so good.

The Christmas tree smell really makes you smile it reminds you about the holiday season.
First week of January for tree, second week for lights however, white lights could stay up for awhile or quite possibly the whole damn year:)
Edit: What color were the lights you left up till spring break?
We didn't keep the lights on that year, but the tree was still up with the ornaments. This was too long even with no lights.

fuck trees and decorations

More Scrooges. Bah Humbug.

Put them up whenever you want, thats the right time.
We would keep the tinsel tree and lights up for months and months simply because it looked great.
I fucking hate Christmas

Good excuse for a curry tho
Going to chop one down and put it up today. When I was a kid my mom always made us wait a day or 2 after putting it up until we could decorate it. She said we had to let it "settle". Thoughts? I decorate it right away now, fuck all that.
Put up:
Right now.
Right after Thanksgiving.

Take down:
Fuck getting up on ladders and unstringing lights in the middle of winter.
Oh, that's outdoor stuff.

Indoor can come down somewhere in the first 2 weeks of January.
Before Halloween

It should be mixed with the evil decorations, so you get scary & happy at the same time. Two emotions are better than one.
Leave your Halloween decorations up until Christmas is over.
Putting up the lights today. About to make Clark Griswold proud.

One or two days after Thanksgiving.
Sunday after Thanksgiving seems about right.
i've been putting them up as i buy them. christmas decorations went out in early october so . . . lol i've been decorating since. not sure when the tree will go up. but im gonna get my rabbits a mini tree again this year, which will probably go up before the tree for humans lol.

i never take down decorations until i move so, halloween and christmas will last until summer xD
Going to chop one down and put it up today. When I was a kid my mom always made us wait a day or 2 after putting it up until we could decorate it. She said we had to let it "settle". Thoughts? I decorate it right away now, fuck all that.
my mother does that "settling" shit too
Going to chop one down and put it up today. When I was a kid my mom always made us wait a day or 2 after putting it up until we could decorate it. She said we had to let it "settle". Thoughts? I decorate it right away now, fuck all that.

LOL. I've never not decorated it the same day the tree went up.
I have a row of pine trees on my property that the kids get to decorate. We do it a few weeks before Christmas and I take them down shortly after.
I do it the day after Thanksgiving since the weekend is long for me. And I cut them down using the dull ass saws at the lot so I usually need some time to recoup after. This year the lot I go to was pretty bare so I ended up getting one that was way too big for my condo. I made it work though.