When and why did Green Day start to get a lot of hate?

SSgt Dickweed

Silver Belt
Apr 30, 2015
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I started being a fan pretty young during the Imsomniac days until Warning. When American Idiot came out, I wasn't really into it and simultaneously they started getting a lot of hate by the "real rock" fans and were branded as sellouts, which I kind of was on board during the time.

Looking back I have no idea why this happened. My interest waned after AI and I guess them playing in Pop festivals didn't help.

Is GD one of the best, long-enduring rock bands of today? Them still being big today is a pretty cool, imo.
I liked Dookie. It seems like after Insomniac they started being perceived as trying to be less punk and more mainstream rock.
It's got something to do with inverted snobbery.

Atleast, that's what Lemmy would say, RIP.
I think it was around 2005-2006-ish when they lost their flair. They also got a bit emo as well.
I saw them at some small shit bar in Elmhurst IL middle of fucking winter. I took the train up to this joint it was like 1992-1993 I was like 12-13-14. The guy at the door was like, kid its 21+ we arent letting you in. I fucking waited all day, it started sleeting and the fucking guy felt so sorry for me he let my ass in. I stood by the door the whole time. Caught a ride with some crusty punks I ruined their night. They made sure I got home safe, took my ass all the way to the southside home. Never saw any of these people ever again. One of my favorite memories of life.
I started being a fan pretty young during the Imsomniac days until Warning. When American Idiot came out, I wasn't really into it and simultaneously they started getting a lot of hate by the "real rock" fans and were branded as sellouts, which I kind of was on board during the time.

Looking back I have no idea why this happened. My interest waned after AI and I guess them playing in Pop festivals didn't help.

Is GD one of the best, long-enduring rock bands of today? Them still being big today is a pretty cool, imo.
Green Day was a major part of the punk resurgence in the US. Billie Joe was almost a member of Rancid and co-wrote "Radio" which is an awesome song.

Anyway, they went from Kerplunk and Dookie to top 40 like "When September Ends" and emo in songs like "Time of your life".

Little bit of trivia, I believe they were the only band to ever be allowed to play CBGBs after they signed a major record deal.
for me it was the first time I heard Propaghandi. They're largely perceived as having "sold out" though.

I used to be such a snob.

I started being a fan pretty young during the Imsomniac days until Warning. When American Idiot came out, I wasn't really into it and simultaneously they started getting a lot of hate by the "real rock" fans and were branded as sellouts, which I kind of was on board during the time.

Looking back I have no idea why this happened. My interest waned after AI and I guess them playing in Pop festivals didn't help.

Is GD one of the best, long-enduring rock bands of today? Them still being big today is a pretty cool, imo.

But they were never real rock because 90s alternative is a lifestyle the corporation pushed on Gen Y so they beg their mommies to buy them all the necessary accessories.
Little bit of trivia, I believe they were the only band to ever be allowed to play CBGBs after they signed a major record deal.
Don't think that's accurate. Korn played CBGB in 2004.
Pretty much ever since they got popular. Their pop-punk thing didn't really fit into the alt rock scene at the time.
Billie Joe is an actor now?

Well, I guess he can't be worse than Lars Ulrich.
I will admit I was a GD snob and stopped listening to them until recently. I think American Idiot is a really solid album. I think them losing the respect of the punk community is mostly due to misperceptions of what GD actually was. They were very pop-heavy punk even in the beginning. A lot of people fail to grow up with their artists and want them to sound like the did in the beginning, but these guys must be nearing 50 yrs old by now. I would hope they anyone who sticks around this long grows as an artist and changes their sound.
I was never really a fan. But I definitely heard a change in their music around the time that Walking Contradiction song came out. And it sounded like the beginning of the end to me.
To understand why people hated Green Day you have to understand Punk culture.

Green Day started on Lookout records, one of the biggest punk labels in California at the time. That whole California skate-punk scene developed around Bad Religion. Punk isn't just a type of music, it's a culture. We put on our own shows, we put out our own records, the whole scene was built around D.I.Y. ethics and radical left wing politics. No ticketmaster, no major labels, no radio and TV coverage. It was all underground, that was a big part of the appeal. The mainstream music industry was seen as the enemy.

Green Day played punk music and they dressed like punks, but that's about as far as it went. Green Day and The Offspring were the first two punk bands from that scene to really make it big, but they didn't represent the punk scene at all.

The when Green Day changed styles and stopped playing punk, many punks got the impression that they just used the punk scene to get big and then chucked it aside when they no longer needed it.

The biggest new punk band currently is G.L.O.S.S. (Girls Living Outside (of) Society's Shit) featuring a trans-gender singer. The biggest punk label Epitaph just offered them a $50k contract (which in underground punk scene is a HUGE amount of money) and they turned it down, because Epitaph is distributed by Atlantic Music (a faceless/heartless major label) Fat Mike then offered them $15k which they also turned down. They decided to release the albums themselves... That's what's expected of Punk bands. My band used to play punk rock, and all the biggest promoters said, no, we don't put on Punk rock shows anymore, we don't want another Green Day on our hands.

Imagine if Brock was the face of MMA, that's a little bit what it was like for the Punks, having Green Day and the Offspring as the biggest voices in the scene was a joke, they didn't even embrace punk culture.
When they were popular I always found them to be ridiculously overrated. Then they started playing that emo crap to stay relevant. That's when a lot of people turned on them
They went against George Bush, and that wasn't allowed for awhile.
I still remember the first time I heard Basket Case ..I was at a minor league hockey game with my dad. I was a pretty big fan through Warning and American Idiot had a few good cuts but they lost me with 21st Century Breakdown . After that I can't say I have heard anything off the Uno Dos Tre albums or the new song/album? (is it out yet?) That being said I saw them live a few times back in the day and the International Superhits tour was one of the best shows I've seen. So that being said I'd proabably suck it up and wait through the new shit to hear the old stuff live one more time