What's the next insult?

Let’s set up a poll and agree to start using whatever wins. I bet we could get this ball rolling.
Personally I like calling dudes “Princess” when they are acting like a diva or complaining.
In the 1950s or 60s it used to be square, then nerd, geek, dork, loser... 2016 everyone was calling everyone they disagreed with a cuck even if the person wasn't even in a relationship. Now I read about incels all the time as if not getting laid must mean that you're so pathetic.

What will the new insult after incel be?
It isn't the not getting laid part that is sad about incels.

You must be sub'd to their forum if you feel any sympathy towards those losers.
You sack of wine!
Most of the time it's a word that has no meaning until it happens, so I'm gonna say... brotrito.
I think Jacobin should make a comeback. They were the radical left leaning French revolutionaries who instigated the terror.

Also maybe serf. People who support Trump but aren’t multi millionaires are basically serfs. Don’t think, just obey and do job.
Window licker

Yeah, I'm a fan of the classics.
Right now, i reckon the most insulting thing you could call somebody is a soundcloud rapper.

I’ve heard “check your privilege” recently
Or my personal favorite “ WORLD STAR!!!!!”
Saw someone on Twitter say they were under attack by Right-Wing 'chuds'.

I thought that was the lamest insult I've ever heard. Almost upset by how poor it was. I hope it doesn't catch on.