What would you do if invited to a pyramid scheme?


Mar 15, 2015
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You get a call from a friend who you haven't heard from in years. They invite you out for dinner. Pleasantly surprised, you say "why not" you had no plans anyway.

So you meet up at a restaurant and have some food. Halfway through your meal, they begin to tell you about this amazing, exciting, new opportunity to achieve financial freedom. You realize what's going on... oh, shit... you are now awkwardly stuck listening to a sales pitch.


What do you do?

Or if you have been in that situation, which many people have, what did you do?

Besides tell your friend:

<{poor?}> (since we're Sherdoggers and all).
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I would ask him what car he is driving
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Try to sell them a better pyramid scheme I invent as I go along. Every detail they offer about their pyramid scheme, I one-up it with the superior details of my financial opportunity.
In the hood we call that "dry begging". It's like when a friend tells you all of their problems in the hope you'll come dashing to the rescue. Here's how you counteract it...

Them - "Hey man! I've got a GREAT investment opportunity!!!"

You - "It's rough out there man..."

Them - "Yeah! But you can get rich quick!!!"

You - "I hear you man... But it's rough out there."

Just spam that ad-nauseum.
Halfway through my meal huh. Well, if the food is good I’ll let them ramble on then get up and leave. If food is not that great then leave immediately :hmph

Wait. Is the person a woman and does she have a nice ass and is wearing yoga pants? Then I tell her I’ll only listen if she let me squeeze that booty first.
Try to sell them a better pyramid scheme I invent as I go along. Every detail they offer about their pyramid scheme, I one-up it with the superior details of my financial opportunity.
This. I would immediately make up a fake pyramid scheme and claim it help them make THREE TIMES MORE MONEY that the scheme they are presenting.

I would insist on a follow-up meetup, so that I could bring them to a 3-hr newcomer seminar, but pick a location that is at least 2-hours away.

When they balk at the idea I would get up and say "it's obvious you don't want to make any real money or succeed at life. call me when you change your mind". Then walk out, no matter how much they protest. I either never hear from them again OR they call me back a few days later and I say "sorry. seminar filled up. won't re-open to new entrepreneurs until 2020."

If they claim to be interested, I would tell them it costs the first seminar costs $600. If they balk, I revert back to last paraphrase.
I would insist on a follow-up meetup, so that I could bring them to a 3-hr newcomer seminar, but pick a location that is at least 2-hours away.

When they balk at the idea I would get up and say "it's obvious you don't want to make any real money or succeed at life. call me when you change your mind". Then walk out, no matter how much they protest. I either never hear from them again OR they call me back a few days later and I say "sorry. seminar filled up. won't re-open to new entrepreneurs until 2020."

Squandering a great opportunity to send them on a two hour drive each way to a fictional meeting if you ask me.
I was propositioned to join in some pyramid scheme earlier this year. It was the owner of a store that I frequent, a mom and pop place. When he explained the “opportunity” to me, I replied, “Like a pyramid scheme?” You’d think that would have been enough of a hint, but he just kept up with the pitch. It insulted me so much... that he thought my intelligence level was so low that I would be an easy mark. I’ve never gone back to his shop. I used to spend ~$1500 a year there, which has now gone to a business in a neighboring town.

I wish him the best, hope he makes money. I mean, shit, I see a lot of pink Avon Cadillacs driving down the road.
Order the most expensive desert item on the menu, eat half, pretend to go to the bathroom, leave and stick him with the check.
Had a friend try it through Facebook before...just made a bunch of excuses til he gave up. It's sad because u can tell that they believe in the scheme
"You do realise I'm poor don't you? I thought you were taking me for a hot meal out of pity. You are paying for it right?"