What was Volks big surprise for Illia?


Blue Belt
Jul 8, 2013
Reaction score
In one of his interviews leading up to this fight (as recent as yesterday), Volk said he had a surprise planned for Illia, and that we'd know it when we see it.

Was it the kicks to the body? He was spamming those a bit in the first round like he spammed leg kicks against Holloway. It almost looked like he was fine with them being blocked hoping it'd eventually compromise Illias arm. Not a bad game plan if you don't gas yourself from all the kicks if I guess.

If it wasn't that than I guess we didn't get to see it? Any guesses as to what Volk might've been talking about?
It's a cookie-cutter line, isn't it?
"I got a surprise for you boy"

Keep em guessing.
Most times there's not actually a tangible surprise on offer, I'd wager.
It's a cookie-cutter line, isn't it?
"I got a surprise for you boy"

Keep em guessing.
Most times there's not actually a tangible surprise on offer, I'd wager.

Given the context it sounded like he legitimately had added something to his game plan. I'd assumed rasslin or maybe something like front kicks to keep him at range. Maybe the repeated body kicks were it and he quickly realised they didn't do shit.
Volk got so sloppy against the cage its insane. Chin high, back against the cage, trying some sloppy dirty boxing while Ilia is mid-combo.

If Volk had implemented something like an explosive double leg in his game like GSP he would have had a great offensive tool to negate aggressive fighters moving forward, especially with his timing and ability to quickly close distance. As great as he is he imo would have been greater if he didnt focus so much on being a striker
The surprise was no clinching or grappling, just fighting ilia’s preferred fight for him. I’m so distraught. Volk is my favourite active fighter. never felt like this after a fight