what was the prime k1 website url??


Excellent idea, dunno why I haven't done this :D
Give this man a thousand likes!

A lot are broken but 2008 ones seem to work for example.
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Excellent idea, dunno why I haven't done this :D
Give this man a thousand likes!

A lot are broken but 2008 ones seem to work for example.
Damn, good memory. Im on firefox and it seems to work fine. Heres a snapshot of the english translation in 1997: http://web.archive.org/web/19970411150152/http://www.k-1.co.jp/index_e.html

Andy Hug won the favorite fighter poll with a whopping 15 votes http://web.archive.org/web/19970411165529/http://www.k-1.co.jp/k1_fans.htm
all the love in the world for the responsible of it