What is Vitor doing? (Zercher half-squat curl thing)


Brown Belt
Nov 28, 2009
Reaction score

Interesting lift at the start of this vid, replicated on a cable machine around 1:26 and done straight off the rack around 1:42.

Pretty much a half-squat with a log bar, Zercher grip, which is curled/shrugged up at the end with a little push off the tiptoes at the top.

What do you think his coaches are aiming to achieve here? Do you rate the movement? Or know what it's called?
the training in that vid would trigger Eric Brown so hard.

Interesting lift at the start of this vid, replicated on a cable machine around 1:26 and done straight off the rack around 1:42.

Pretty much a half-squat with a log bar, Zercher grip, which is curled/shrugged up at the end with a little push off the tiptoes at the top.

What do you think his coaches are aiming to achieve here? Do you rate the movement? Or know what it's called?

I did it in the past. It is an very effective excercise and you can load almost double your bodyweight, I would say 95% of the back squat.
It put a lot of stress in the lower back and it is harmfull if you have a bulging disk.
It looks like the first movement with the log bar is a power/activation exercise. It seems like he goes heavy enough to make it moderately heavy. I would guess he's doing it to warm up the core and hips while training explosiveness.

I'm not going to venture to guess how effective that is. As an advanced athlete, he probably has needs that we don't due to his sport and training history. That said, I don't see myself trying that out anytime soon.
It's basically atlas stone loading without an atlas stone. His trainer likes strongman training basically.
Why do cleans and squats, when you can tear your biceps tendon, to get half of the benefit?
Russians were pretty high on zercher deadlifts for wrestlers for a while, so it's not that big of a stretch
I like it.

Staggered stance, DL, RDL, SLDL, heavy weight, moderate weight+speed.