What is the point of being a monk?

I'm thinking they do it because they want to go to whatever Heaven they believe in

Sucks to be them
At one time, like early medieval status, there may have been some benefits.

First off, people were legitimately God fearing back then.

Monasteries were one of the few places to learn to read and get an education. Obviously there were some sacrifices involved, but for those who had a desire to expand their intellectual horizons it was essentially the place to do it. In the ex western Roman empire, monasteries are credited with preserving a lot of the history and knowledge of the pre Germanic invasions world. They would literally learn Latin and spend all day copying manuscripts.

For people that were poor, there was probably an aspect of surety involved. They were essentially going to be well fed. And for those not stationed on the English coast circa 793 there was probably security and safety involved.

Monasteries in Europe are credited with making some of the best bread, cheese, beer, and wine over the centuries so there were some opportunities to pursue potentially compelling activities.

There also may have been opportunities to move up in society. Join the monastery, move up the ranks, maybe get commissioned to start another monastery or take over the current one, get crossover to some other position in the Church. Back then the Church was central to life in Europe so there was status involved.

Good explanation, thanks
The Buddhist ones can take a serious kick in the gonads.
They are volcels, maybe because they saw a life as am Incel stretching ahead of them.
i was a nasty infuse monk in GW, played for SCC a top 25 guild. we beat some legit powerhouses in GVG, and when my connection was agreeable i deadass shut down ranger spikes and necro spikes on the reg. you catch 99% of the spikes awesome, u miss one and they drop ur mesmer and its like ur the worst person ever. live by the infuse, die by the infuse. cant tlel u how many times my prot monk failed to heal me back up and my infuses were weak, but thats not my fault. fuck you dave u slow ass noob.
I see you are from Ireland. I recently bought a book that discusses this very topic. "How the Irish Saved Civilization" by Thomas Cahill. It discusses the work of the monasteries and subsequent evangelism of the Irish to preserve knowledge and re-spread it throughout Europe. I have a big backlog on books so I haven't had a chance to read it yet but I'm looking forward to it.

That's a good point about Elite families sending their youngest son to join the Church. Back then, the way society worked in a lot of European countries, the eldest son inherited land and titles so there may not have been many outlets and opportunities for younger sons to prosper. Having a son with lands and titles in the secular world and having a son with position and influence in the Church provided families with a way of maximizing their prospects. As you said, it's a great way to network within positions of influence and advocate and lobby for the families interests.

Yes, that book is a bit overzealous in it's claims lol. But the Irish did play an important role within the monastic cultural networks of early modern europe. Particularly in the Carolingian/Frankish court, helping spark what some have called the Carolingian Renaissance.

That is another good example too about elite families, in Ireland one of the most famous saints is St. Columba/Colm Cille, who founded Iona (one of the most important sites in the Britain and Ireland, it had several 'daughter houses' which it presided over). He was a member of the royal Uí Néill dynasty of Cenél Conaill. All of his succesors as Abbot of Iona were members of the same dynasty.
Good explanation, thanks

Equally though, you can't underestimate that these people did also genuinely and seriously believe in God. Of course there were other factors, but sometimes us secular moderns tend to overlook the genuine religious feeling of those in older times and look for economic or psychological factors. Those obviously played a part, but that is another reason, they truly believed they were devoting themselves to God.
WTF is that? I'm scared to Google it
i got you broski.

"The perception is that many progressives have been trying to redefine masculinity, or are against traditional masculine traits and roles. So, we have "new male" or "numale" (as in "nu-metal". The spelling is part of the insult)".

i got you broski.

"The perception is that many progressives have been trying to redefine masculinity, or are against traditional masculine traits and roles. So, we have "new male" or "numale" (as in "nu-metal". The spelling is part of the insult)".

Ahh like that espn commercial. Thank you kindly sir for saving me from a bout of rage.
This applies to Buddhist monks:
The core tenet of Buddhism is the 4 noble truths: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Noble_Truths

The takeaway I mainly get is that a lot of our psychological suffering comes from desires unfulfilled. But these desires are not essential, and often a hindrance to a life of enlightenment. A life of abstinence cuts through all the consumerism bs and allow one to have a better possibility to gain an insight into how to live a meaningful life.

There is a wonderful documentary about Chinese Buddhist monks/hermits called Amongst White Clouds, it might be of interest to this thread:
Into Great Silence is an excellent film about modern day monastics:

More dramatically, there is this YouTube one about a man who left his job as a lecturer (in literature and philosophy) in Australia to become a Coptic monk. But he lives alone in the desert even more remote than the other monks, very interesting to hear the perspective of someone like this:

I’ve actually contemplated that when I was a teen. Brewing beer and making cheese would be great, but I would def miss female contacts.
You liberate yourself from the stress of everyday life. Every single day of the year will be scheduled around the same routine with few surprises. You try to shake free of desires and focus on spirituality. All the vanities of ordinary life - how to dress, working out, trying to impress people, jockying for promotion - all of that disappears.

If you've ever spent a month without television/computer/phone etc. you'll know how after some initial restlessness you sort of slow down and start feeling clear and at ease.

I'm not very religious, but I see the appeal
i got you broski.

"The perception is that many progressives have been trying to redefine masculinity, or are against traditional masculine traits and roles. So, we have "new male" or "numale" (as in "nu-metal". The spelling is part of the insult)".


Nietzsche called them last men. Last men take no risks and seek comfort and security.
To be at peace and in tune with your soul.

To escape the boundaries of the external world and let your conscience run free throughout a plane which transcends the dimensions of the metaphysical universe.
Escaping to US of A and acting like a superior philosopher than Bruce Lee and bagging tons of hot blonde American pussy who are easily impressed by the cocky confidence. I saw this smug monk established in NYC on TV and I assumed that's what he did. He was very cocky.