What is the most bad ass family dog I can have?

Many dog breeds will look somewhat deformed when compared to the breeds they were developed from. Imagine the initial reactions to the English Bulldog and Dachshund.

As long as it's loyal, good with children, not overly dumb, doesn't have unpredictable aggressive tendencies like pitbulls, and no potential or genetic health problems, then it doesn't bother me if it looks deformed or not.

Not the bow-legged ones though. Those look like a walking vet bill.
If a dog can't lick his own balls, is he really a dog?

You have zero experience with dogs yet expect to be able to have them bark and stop on command. Lol good luck with that. And all for a scenario that is likely to never happen in your life time. All this is going to accomplish is annoying your neighbors.
Where did you read I have zero experience? I actually made progress with both her Chihuahuas who were both adult dogs by the time they moved in with me. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect a dog to bark when the door knocks, if someone knocks on the door unexpectedly around here it's usually someone I don't want on my doorstep anyway (salesman, church people etc.) My neighbors wouldn't be so petty to be annoyed by the few times a stranger shows up at the door.
A plow horse having the physical attributes to beat selectively bred horses isn't dispelling anything. Training isn't going to overcome genetics. That horse had what was needed to win in its dna, otherwise you could take a donkey to belmont with the right training. Horse racing/jumping relies mostly on physical traits, a pit's disposition and propensity to attack/fight is mental.

It is dispelling the notion (myth) that breeding (genetics) is the only contributing factor to violence. Training does overcome genetics all the time. A donkey is not a horse now is it? As far as the jumping is concerned. I own both and donkeys are way smarter than horses. Again, let's dispel some of the myths about the American Pit Bull.

. American Pit Bull Foundation, 'Pit Bull Myths – Debunked', Link 01: https://americanpitbullfoundation.com/pit-bull-myths-debunked/

. National Geographic, 'The Most Feared Dogs May Also Be the Most Misunderstood', Link 02: https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/07/pit-bull-ban-aggressive-dog-breed-bronwen-dickey/

. ASPCA, 'Position Statement on Pit Bulls', Link 03: https://www.aspca.org/about-us/aspca-policy-and-position-statements/position-statement-pit-bulls

. WebMD, 'Pit Bulls: What's Hype, What's Not', Link 04: https://pets.webmd.com/dogs/features/pit-bulls-safety#1