What is it like being old?

Nothing hurts yet, but I'm tall and lanky so bad knees are coming for me eventually. You don't put women on a pedestal anymore, probably have more money, don't get surprised by anything anymore. It's actually way better until shit starts falling apart on your body. It also really depends whether you're married or not.

i was once married to a cunt ... my life is now good .. lesson learned
am obviously not going to post a pic of me, but i've been told that i look like a young burt reynolds, minus the mustache. feel free to fap away hahaha

Reynolds .. Deliverance style .. me likey
imo the key to feeling / doing well as you get older is managing your stress. manage your stress well and you'll feel great in your 30s and 40s. don't, and it can break you down harder and faster than anything i'm aware of in life.

the easiest is to avoid toxic relationships. holy fuck that can drain the life out of you and make you contemplate fantasies of just hopping on a train and living the hobo life.
More aches and pains are a regular part of life. You have more money to do what you want. You need far less people in your life.
i was once married to a cunt ... my life is now good .. lesson learned
Was engaged once, that ended about as horribly as something could with me dropping a little more truth about she and her friends than she was ready to hear. Recently found she actually had to start therapy after I said what I said.
the bits that used to be rocked solid are soft,and the bits that are supposed to be soft are solid. bits of you hurt all the time and you can't sleep for shit,and you piss with the frequency of a 2 year old. but other than that its great

+1 on the sleep and piss
I'm 33 and pretty much feel like i always have. I'm sure i probably don't but it's such a slow change i don't notice anything different. I know i can gain weight a lot easier an it's a lot harder to get it off but no big deal just order an 8oz steak instead of a 12 and skip the rolls
It is brilliant. I look at today’s 20 year olds with a mixture of pity and amusement, watching them selfie their ways through life without the faintest awareness that they’re never going to be in a position to afford the lives their parents enjoyed. They’re going to die younger, they’ll never own a home, and the world they live in is polluted and filthy.
36 and I don’t feel any worse than 30 though it’s getting very difficult to drop weight. I’ve been trying to lose 10 for months. I bet if i didn’t work out and eat right I’d blow up like a big fat ass.

That said my 30’s smoke my 20s...wiser, richer, hot wife. 40 is where the shit hits the fan me thinks
I'm 26 look 18 but probably really 46 in terms of mileage on my body.

I feel alright. can already tell I'm slowing down though. I hope I go out in some sudden blaze of glory before 50 rather than slowly decay.
Was engaged once, that ended about as horribly as something could with me dropping a little more truth about she and her friends than she was ready to hear. Recently found she actually had to start therapy after I said what I said.

Its such a shame 100 years ago we could punish these bitches properly ..
Its such a shame 100 years ago we could punish these bitches properly ..
If you calmly explain exactly how she and her friends are horrible people, exactly how the guy she cheated with got her to sleep with him, without raising your voice, that gets the job done.
I’ve begun to do those infamous “old man’s moan” whenever I get out of a car or couch!
When does the sleep thing change? I'm 41 and still sleep like a baby every night. My dad on the other hand is 67 and the poor guy barely knows what sleep is like anymore. I dread the thought of sleepless nights.
I'm 31, you have to work much harder than you to stay fit.

Also I feel legit pressure to find a woman and settle down if I want kids

That pressure is very real. I’m turning 31, and luckily I’ve kept myself in good shape and have an education, and finding a woman isn’t that hard because they know I have my shit together. The only hard part is dealing with family and friends’ pressure lol
I'm 34 and feel pretty good. Probably better than in my 20's because I actually live a healthy lifestyle for the most part.

30's is still young, but it's old enough that small things start to creep into your life that make you realise this shit isn't going to last forever. Something you don't really have any concept of in your 20's.
If you calmly explain exactly how she and her friends are horrible people, exactly how the guy she cheated with got her to sleep with him, without raising your voice, that gets the job done.

Unfortunately that would not have worked with the cunt knuckle i was married to, she is a grade A narcissist.. Whats worse is she teaches kids !! Fucking dangerous bitches in charge of kids .. Hell yeah