what goes through your head before you fall asleep?

Fuck all. Count of three and and sawing logs. Wife bloody hates it.
i always start thinking about how short and meaningless life is.

thinking about the vastness of space and how our existance is just a blip.

i find it really settles me down if im starting to stress about some silly bs about my job etc.


You might want to seek therapy. I don't think about the same thing night after night, least of all Nihilism.
Every mistake I've ever made in my entire life.
I run through a list of everything I have to get done the next day. I have a daily planner and I look at that before I go to bed. I sort of make a "plan of attack" and say this is what I need to do in order to make sure the day is productive tomorrow.
gonna try and do this more.

You might want to seek therapy. I don't think about the same thing night after night, least of all Nihilism.

nothing wrong with it.
I sometimes get "sleep anxiety" where I stress about falling asleep and that stress in turn pumps adrenaline and keeps me awake causing more stress and it's a vicious cycle. So in effort to slow things down (not stress about future) I deconstruct my day starting from present moment back to when I woke up. I usually end up falling asleep before I get to what I had for lunch
"Fuck my Life"

I slaughter sheep until the Xanax kick in.
I set the TV and DVR sleep timers, so whatever CNN is talking about.
Trap dreams from da trap house

i think about jon jones, i say a prayer and i hope hes OK
If I can't sleep, I'll try counting backwards from 100.

Works most of the time.

Otherwise I just think about getting older, chicks, things I wanna buy, things I wanna do in my life, chicks again, and usually get up and rub one out so I can fall asleep.
Drafting a novel at the moment. So, I usually just play out whatever scene I know I have to write next in a few different ways, trying to find something good.

Then I usually fall asleep, and hope that if I came across something good that I remember it in the morning.
I fall asleep to youtube videos about astronomy, aliens, science, whatever i feel like listening about
I think of nonsense. Sometimes I catch myself falling asleep and wake myself up because I just started paying attention to my thoughts. I think it's my mind falling into a dream and I'm semi conscious, but its some odd shit and I never remember it. I wake up, think it's real odd, and lose it after 20 seconds.
I have to think about something meaningless, repetitive and unimportant... if I start thinking about life, the universe and all that shit forget it I could be awake all night. When I used to do boxing I would think about combinations hitting the bag or footwork and that thought would ease me into sleep... now that I dont do that, I think about my workout routine or what Im going to wear tomorrow, something unimportant like that
I have become a hypochondriac. I imagne the slightest pain i have is cancer or whatever. It's fucking stupid, i wish i didnt do it. I just cant stop convincing myself that i'm going to die which leads to me stressing out about how much me dying would stress my family out. Then i feel guilty for dying. I think there is something wrong with me.
I have become a hypochondriac. I imagne the slightest pain i have is cancer or whatever. It's fucking stupid, i wish i didnt do it. I just cant stop convincing myself that i'm going to die which leads to me stressing out about how much me dying would stress my family out. Then i feel guilty for dying. I think there is something wrong with me.