What former "superfights" do you still want to see?


Loli is love loli is life!
Mar 24, 2012
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By former superfights I mean matchups that were talked about a lot when both fighters were on a hot streak, but then one or both fighters fell off. For example Pettis vs Aldo. Which matchups of this nature would still pique your interest?
How the fuck is Pettis Aldo a superfight?

GSP/Silva is the only thing close to a superfight in modern MMA.
By former superfights I mean matchups that were talked about a lot when both fighters were on a hot streak, but then one or both fighters fell off. For example Pettis vs Aldo. Which matchups of this nature would still pique your interest?

Fedor vs Lesnar
Fedor vs Couture
Anderson vs GSP
BJ vs Aoki
Ronda vs Cyborg
Faber vs Torres
None. That's what Bellator is for.

I don't like watching pointless fights with the exception of some i.e. Conor vs Nate 2
How's Randy doing? Can we still get him and Fedor
How the fuck WAS Aldo Pettis supposed to be a superfight?
Dominant FW champion and P4P candidate vs flashy ultra hyped LW champion isn't super enough? Tough crowd.
Saku vs Rickson.

Not a Super Fight but a fight I always wanted to see.
I'd watch another Tito vs. Chuck battle. Tito still looks great, and I think he'd dominate a fallen Chuck.
Champ vs Champ or 2 guys from different weight classes doesn't always equal a superfight ya dinguses

Then, by your definition, which fights in MMA history would be considered a superfight? If the list is extremely short, then there's no point in this discussion. Since we are interested in having a discussion, maybe loosen up the definition to allow people to speculate?
Cro cop vs Couture when Couture was champ. UFC blew it by feeding cro cop unknowns in an attempt to create a UFC highlight reel. The guy just won an open weight tournament in pride and was ranked number two at the time and he fights Eddie Sanchez in his debut and then relatively unknown at the time Gabriel Gonzaga? This is Mma not wwe anything can happen and it did and we got robbed of a super fight.