What does getting choked out feel like???

The last time I got choked unconscious was with an anaconda choke. I tapped. . . but at the very last instant because by the time it was released I was out. Then when I was coming to, I was convulsing a little bit and I actually said, "I'm almost out." It was about 30seconds later that I realized what had happened.
I've never been choked out in class, only once grappling around with a friend.. When I was choked out I was seeing alot of strange colors, and when I woke up I couldnt understand why I didnt wake up at home in my bed... Frikkin strange, but still blody awsome!
Being blood choked isnt so bad, its pretty fast and kinda peaceful, you just sorta go out and wake up feeling a little groggy. Getting air choked SUCKS, hurts like youw ouldnt believe and you start to panic, your gagging and it gets worse and worse. Wake up with NO clue what happend or why you feel like you shotgunned a two four.
i've never been all the way out...but i got triangled the other night and was on my way out...weirdest feeling ever.
Frodo said:
If you get choked out repeatedly, you'll end up like Q Mystic. Just try to understand his posts, and I need no more evidence to rest my case. :icon_excl

My question is... with a clean blood choke, how can you really tell when you're going to pass out? Tonight a guy grabbed my lapels and spun through like he was going for a hip toss. I took his back, had both my hooks in and felt pressure from my gi across the back of my neck. I tried to arch my back and break his grip... and then I was being revived. I never felt like I was in any danger - in fact, I didn't even think it was possible for him to choke me out while he was turtled like that. Afterwards he was really freaked out and yelling at me for not tapping. When the reason I didn't tap was that I didn't even feel like I was being choked. No tunnel vision, no stars - nothing... and then, I guess... a whole lot of nothing.

I'm not about to start tapping anytime someone gets a grip on my gi - but I really don't like the idea of having to be revived. 'Cause it pretty much sucks.
A blue film goes across the back of you eyes so everything looks blue, then your sight and consciousness shut down like an old t.v where it has a little white dot in the middle, then you are out.

You wake with a headbuzz for about 10 seconds, then you are totally fine.:icon_lol:

Takes 30 seconds to remember what happened.

Exactly Lol. I remeberd i was choked out with a triangle and the same thing happend
In 2003, the u.s. airforce did an experiment geared towards giving pilots a resistance to hypoxia(pass out due to blood cut off to the brain). This happens a lot with all of the high g motions of flying a fighter plane. The pilots in the experiment each passed out about 30 times and their resistance/recovery rate showed NO IMPROVEMENT. (i have the article from an engineering/science journal, no online source but look around google and if youre clever you might find it)

it didn't get worse either though. it pretty much stayed the same. really though it can't be good for you haha.

getting choked out once could let you know how close you are in the future. so you know when you HAVE to tap. that's the only advantage i can see

Red outs to negative Gs is different though.

.....Its cute to hear you kids talk about why it makes you go on conscious though.
Right before I go out, and I havent gone clear to sleep but have tethered in and out of conciousness many times (just tap), I typically see this.

I always start seeing little flashes in my vision. It's almost like little light balls swirling around like paisly. You go to the same place you are when you are just waking up but still dreaming. If I try to get up they get worse, If I lay on the ground and wait they slowly subside. It is almost euforic. It doesnt bother me at all if the choke is technically correct, sunk properly, and is a blood choke.

The pain starts when sloppy chokes push on your airpipes or jack your jaw sidways or push on your face. Or any windpipe choke (which you shouldnt be doing anyway)
I've never been choked out in class, only once grappling around with a friend.. When I was choked out I was seeing alot of strange colors, and when I woke up I couldnt understand why I didnt wake up at home in my bed... Frikkin strange, but still blody awsome!

I've never been unconcious during class but went under when wrestling with friends a while back. Dude outweighed me by about 50pnds, haha, and I ended up with my back arched backwards over some furniture with him on top of me. Next thing I know I'm seeing lots of colors, as if in a dream. You know when you stand up too fast after sitting for a while and you see a bunch of colors during the head rush? Similar to that but magnified several times.

The next moment I'm slowly picking myself up off the furniture thinking I just woke up from a dream. Then I notice that my friends are standing around me like, OMGwtf? You okay?? I was like, yeah I'm good. What's the problem? And what the hell happened? They were all, "Dude, you were out for like 30 seconds! You started convulsing near the end. We thought you were playing at first so we started laughing, but then we though you were dying!" Too me it felt instantaneous and not painful at all. Just extremely disorienting and embarrassing. haha.
A blue film goes across the back of you eyes so everything looks blue, then your sight and consciousness shut down like an old t.v where it has a little white dot in the middle, then you are out.

You wake with a headbuzz for about 10 seconds, then you are totally fine.:icon_lol:

Takes 30 seconds to remember what happened.

i don't remember the blue as much but tv comparison is right on! just as the little dot was fadding, I started to come to...I was only out for 1 maybe 2 seconds.

It was very relaxing, I took about 30 seconds and continued rolling. Coming back you can hear voices but you can't focus on anything.