What do American "Nazis" stand for?

I'm sure Burning Hammer, AviatorShades & RIPWarrior will fill you in. They seem to have their ears to the ground.
here, let me google that for you?
Lately there has been a lot of calling people "NAZI" around here, and i am wondering, what exactly does that mean in a modern sense?

In a nutshell, 'White Power'. Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, Ku Klux Klan, etc., all hate blacks, Jews, Latins, Catholics, Muslims, people who are not physically normal or mentally retarded, homosexuals, etc. The old 'White Anglo-Saxon Protestant' (WASP) mentality. Clean up America. A better, pure breed of American.
Except he's right about most of his points.

In fascism the state is the ultimate object of veneration and the embodiment of the strength and purpose of the people. Nazis believed both capitalism and communism presented an outside threat to the state. Now of course in practice once nazis/facists took power in Italy and Germany they had to compromise with existing economic structures, such as the Krupp family and other German industrialists, but it was only under the condition these people would devote their wealth and industries to fueling Nazi state and eventually the war effort. Ideologically however both Italian fascism and national socialism has an incredible hatred towards internationalism, global trade, and capitalism. If you took the time to look at the writings Mussolini or Hitler speeches anti-capitalism and anti-internationalism was pretty par for the course.

That is a major reason why the Jews became such a easy scapegoat for the Nazi regime. They presented an easily identifiable "outside" influence that Hitler portrayed as a threat to the strength of the "aryan" race and therefore the state. Jews were tied to both Bolshevism and international capitalism through the Nazi propaganda apparatus they were able to dehumanize and vilify the Jewish people as a threat to the integrity of the state.

This is standard curriculum taught in any history course on the early 20th century and fascism in the US. I'm pretty confident considering I just took 12 credits in fascism and the early 20th century so its not like Nazism being anti-capitalist as its core is a big conspiracy or anything.

Are you saying that Nazis were socialists and not fascists? Because that's what he's implying by talking about national socialism instead of the National Socialist Party.
I forget I can't edit posts with yellow card and need to fit it all into the initial response.

Of course if you're contrasting white nationalists from neo-nazis, the focus is going to be on the socialistic aspect and opposition to capitalism.

Do you have a different answer?

That and the shifting ethnic hostilities unique to WW1/WW2 vs today are the differentiating variables. One prescribes a radical command-economy as a solution to capitalism 'selling out' western nations. The other is merely an anti-immigration lobby.

nm I mixed up you and RhinoRush. I thought you were defending his stupid shit about the Nazi party being socialists. I withdraw my comments.
Are you saying that Nazis were socialists and not fascists? Because that's what he's implying by talking about national socialism instead of the National Socialist Party.

National socialism was the ideology of the NSDAP. It was created by Hitler based out of his own ideas about race, power, and the state, and Mussolini already existing fascist system in Italy. National socialism itself contains several "socialist" aspects in that it promotes state control and regulation of the economy, and anti big business sentiments. But national socialism and fascism are ultimately different from what is typically regarded as socialism in that in a typical socialist ideology the government is regulating the economy and aiding the workers out of the belief that is the right thing to do for the workers i.e. the people. Whereas in a Nazi system it would be argued while the government may take similar actions in nationalizing industry and regulating the economy it is doing so out of the desire to strengthen the state. In national socialism weakening big business may benefit the workers, but that is because it benefits the state and making the state strong in turn makes the people strong.

Socialism aids the worker for the benefit of the worker. National socialism aids the worker to strengthen the state and since the state in the embodiment of the people aiding the state aids the people.

Now note in reality Hitler would trample on labor rights of the workers and the employers/capaitalists, because basically whatever gives the state maximum power was good in his book.

I'd look into the Strasser brothers who were the leaders of a competing wing of the Nazi party who held a more firm "socialist" tilt of national socialism who were ultimately killed during the night of the long knives.

Edit: as a final though before i log off i would say its really hard to pin down Nazism as a whole because it was largely fluid and shaped by the personalities of its leaders. It was more important you pledged your loyalty to Hitler than to some bedrock of ideological standards hence why people like the Strassers were ousted, because they wanted to develop a concrete political ideology based in a sense of nationalism and socialism rather than Hitler who wanted to amass as much power as possible into his state apparatus in order to transform society into his vision of what was the ideal world.
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ask these goons

Factors that may have contributed to the Nazi hate for Jews:
  • Religious Conflict – Conflicts between Christianity and Judaism have existed for years, which partly helped create an atmosphere of anti-semitism in Europe.
  • Anti-semitism in Vienna – Hitler spent a part of his youth in Vienna, Austria, where anti-semitism was very prevalent and highly advocated. He may have been influenced by some of the ideological ideas of that environment.
  • Jewish Economic Power – At the time when World War 1 broke out, a majority of financial institutions, banks and large companies were controlled by Jewish people. Hitler blamed the loss of the war, the economic downfall of Germany and the bad decisions of the Weimar Republic on Jewish capitalism.
  • Conspiracy theory – Hitler believed that the Jewish had some conspiracy to control the world and that they would stab Germans in the back whenever it would suit them.
  • Biological differences – Hitler and many Nazis believed in the superiority of the Aryan (German) race and that Jews were inferior to such an extent that they were almost non-human in his eyes. He felt that he would be doing the world a favor by wiping out the Jewish race.
National socialism was the ideology of the NSDAP. It was created by Hitler based out of his own ideas about race, power, and the state, and Mussolini already existing fascist system in Italy. National socialism itself contains several "socialist" aspects in that it promotes state control and regulation of the economy, and anti big business sentiments. But national socialism and fascism are ultimately different from what is typically regarded as socialism in that a typical socialist ideology the government is regulating the economy and aiding the workers out of the belief that is the right thing to do for the workers i.e. the people. Whereas in a Nazi system it would be argued while the government may take similar actions in nationalizing industry and regulating the economy it is doing so out of the desire to strengthen the state. In national socialism weakening big business may benefit the workers, but that is because it benefits the state and making the state strong in turn makes the people strong.

It turns out I was critcizing the wrong person. I thought he was rhinorush, who is pushing that idiot alt-right talking point that Nazis were actually socialists.

Clearly you are not defending that idea.
It turns out I was critcizing the wrong person. I thought he was rhinorush, who is pushing that idiot alt-right talking point that Nazis were actually socialists.

Clearly you are not defending that idea.

Lol. That's not really what I'm saying at all, but as was pointrd out already, you're being a disingenuous liar so...
Lately there has been a lot of calling people "NAZI" around here, and i am wondering, what exactly does that mean in a modern sense? I am from chicago and have never encountered a true white supremacist that i know of. Do the Nazis have a specific set of goals? Do they literally worship Hitler? Or is this just a new blanket term?
I doubt any of us know what the US Nazi's stand for either.
The Nazis were anti capitalist, pro social welfare, obsessed with race, totalitarians who favored gun control. Who does that sound like to you?

So.... Hardcore race based hierarchical Nationalism is actually a Left Wing idea?
So.... Hardcore race based hierarchical Nationalism is actually a Left Wing idea?

Try to think of the political spectrum as a circle, not a line, and you'll have a better understanding of politics (and humanity) in general. Go too far in either direction and you end up on the other side in a lot of ways.
The want someone like Trump but more racist to be in power.

They want to blame Muslims, Jews, BLM, Obama, Hillary, illegal immigrants, communists, ect as the reason why are losers.

They want to pretend their skin color is valuable - that it somehow makes them special and better than others.

the ideais that other white people have done great things, and they have being white in common. that makes them great.
50/50: I'm a historian via postgraduate education and a political strategist via the internet
Education no longer means anything in the new America where boys are girls and girls are fluid IMO
I'm sure Burning Hammer, AviatorShades & RIPWarrior will fill you in. They seem to have their ears to the ground.

A challenger appears!

Helping their fellow Americans just as Nazi Germany taught to help Germans who were worse off than them.

I don't think these modern Nazi's have much in common with the old ones. Racism? that's debatable, the idea that Nazi's hated all other races is incorrect. Considering others inferior? sure, but the same can be said about others. You don't think the Jews who boast about their genetic superiority winning so many nobel prizes are any different?

Good propaganda though, I mean I'd want to go to war with a country who hates me..
My grandpa was born in 1910 in arkansas. He said his family never had problems with black people, but the fellow white people he did know that disliked blacks were typically the dumbest and financially worse off people in the town.

1910's Arkansas?

Yeah, there might have been some underlying reasons why he never had problems with black people. Amazing how nice and obedient folks are, under the constant threat of being lynched.

"Back in my day, the blacks were the kindest most polite folks I knew. Always 'Yes Sir', 'No sir', 'Sorry, Sir'. They would even move out of your way on the sidewalk. They were great. I really don't know where the hate came from."
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