What Daily Winter Coat Are Yall Rocking This Year?

Layering has always been the norm instead of one large jacket in the uk.
I'll have a hoody on with a light / medium jacket on over that. Combined with a hat and scarf if colder than normal.
Scarf? Like what chicks wear?
Scarf? Like what chicks wear?
you want some bro?

I can easily put on my tap out gear!
I have a nice light gray Hugo Bose overcoat but I don’t wear it too much because I’m too lazy to walk to the coat racks when I’m in the office.

Also have a navy peacoat but I don’t wear it a whole lot because while I think peacoats are sharp, there is a slight that guy element.

Coat I wear most often in the winter now is a Filson Mackinaw Jac Shirt.
I love peacoats.
I wish I could wear my peacoat more than a few days a year.
I have an old school Bulls Starter Stadium jacket (ginormous 3/4 length jacket). I got it back in 91’. It will look great all winter and is going to grab a lot of attention with it’s lovely red color.